Msma | 2006-03-28 09:49 |
其實好多人都好叻考試,但唔代表好叻教育下一代。 五六十年代的聖心/華仁/聖芳際各。。。。等教士修女,當今如去考基準試,我估唔一定做到狀元,但講教育,愛心,佢其真係狀元中的狀元 ! 當然好成績都係值得高興! ;-) Quote: CherylMommy 寫道: 拔萃女小學老師:基準試近滿分 A very encouraging result indeed. 基準試兩女狀元幾近滿分 6月 12日 星期六 03:30 更新 (綜合報道) (星島日報報道)剛公布的語文基準試老師語文水平下降令人憂慮,但名校拔萃女小學兩位英語科老師卻成功在四千五百名考生中突圍,五張考卷奪得幾近滿分的成績,成為女狀元,其中一位女狀元梁婉瑩老師說學英語除了多聽多讀及看西片時盡量不要看字幕外,在聆聽一卷更自創特別速寫法,以單字母把要點記下來。 本地土生土長的梁婉瑩,九十年代初畢業於香港教育學院,主修英文,完成三年制的教師證書課程後,再到澳洲攻讀小學教育課程。在基準試的五份考卷中,除寫作及課堂語言運用取得四點五至五級外,其他三卷均取得五級最高成績。 她說要練好英語一定要多聽、多寫、多讀﹕「在日常生活要多點接觸英語,好像我去看西片,會盡量強逼自己不去看那些中文字幕,因為只顧看字幕翻譯的話,我便不可以專心聽演員表達電影的內容。」她說多看英語劇集及閱讀英文報紙,對提升英語水平有莫大幫助。 梁老師在應付聆聽考試時,自創一套特別方法,可讓準備應考的老師參考﹕「我記得有一題的答案是enhance cultural awareness,但當時不夠時間全寫,只寫下了e, n, c, u, w 幾個英文字母,方便自己記憶,便答下一題,最後才填回那題答案。」 梁老師說,校內有不少從美國、加拿大等地回流的老師,多點與他們交談也可令自己的英語不斷進步。 梁老師的要好同事,從小在加拿大接受教育,完成大學課程才回港當老師的顧慧怡,也成為基準試女狀元。顧老師說應考前沒有操練,抱平常心應試的她,除寫作一卷取得平均三至五級外,其餘四份卷也取得五級成績。 是次語文基準試的聆聽及格率與去年相比大幅下滑一成八,兩位狀元老師異口同聲指出死因﹕聆聽的說話內容速度之快,實在令她們吃不消。 梁老師說﹕「應付聆聽試時感到很大壓力,因為速度實在太快了,我的心跳不斷加速,做完第一頁時我在想﹕自己的英語是否已經退化,跟不上速度﹖但我已寫得很快了。」 曾閱讀去年試題的梁老師,希望教統局可以統一試題的難度。她說﹕「今年聆聽的速度便比二○○三年快了很多,我希望當局所訂的水平每年相若,不要令教師無所適所。」梁老師同時希望教統局可以在試題上給予更清析的指引,特別是指正文法錯誤的部分。顧老師指中小學老師所教的課程不同,所以分開中小學試題會較好。 |
critor | 2006-03-28 10:09 |
Darth, As I have said before (you may check if you care), international and local education systems have their own strengths and weaknesses. Parents must judge for themselves whichever system is more suitable for their own beloved kids. From the start, Leehoma001 made a supposition that by looking at the public exam results, international education system is more successful than the local system. What I want to put through, by reference to the data is: We cannot compare the 2 systems simply by comparing the academic results of two different examinations – CGSE and HKCEE. I do not dispute that the international and local education systems have different teaching methods and philosophies. I have taken all these into account when I decide for my child to give up an "elite" international school Leehoma001 mentioned. Of course, for a topic like this, we will never find a "yes" or "no" answer; and I do not see any confrontation between our views. Quote: leehoma001 寫道: I know that it would be much better if we have the benchmarking data to compare with similar class of studends studying at elite private schools in the US or UK. However, I can't find such data but having the data I seen would be better than nothing. At least we may know that as the average results of those elite international schools in HK are much better than the average results in the UK and the US, then the standards of HK's elite international schools might be comparable to those elite overseas private schools although we do not have the exact comparision data. Do you agree? If you got such data, please share with us. On the other hand, the results in the worldwide public exams are also very good indicators on the achievement of those elite international schools. We can also see that many top students in those elite international schools can be admited to those top univerisities in the world. |
Darth | 2006-03-28 11:03 |
我想講的,是即使是考同一個試,都不可能比較。 至於 leehoma001,我都懶得回應佢;佢對國際學校知 d 唔知 d 就長篇大論發謬論,扮晒代言人,唔怪得咁多香港人對國際學校反感。 講真,topic 本來係講 dgs,我唔明點解要拉國際學校落水。 Quote: critor 寫道: What I want to put through, by reference to the data is: We cannot compare the 2 systems simply by comparing the academic results of two different examinations – CGSE and HKCEE. |
leehoma001 | 2006-03-28 11:46 |
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leehoma001 | 2006-03-28 12:00 |
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critor | 2006-03-28 13:23 |
I also think that the discussion could be constructive and conducive to our children's education. The fact that I cast my vote of confidence in the local education system does not mean that the system is perfect. That is why I look forward to hearing different opinion so that we can adjust our mind and heart in the pursuit of a proper learning environment for our children. |
critor | 2006-03-28 14:40 |
Excerpt from“Asia's Overscheduled Kids” by Time Magazine, posted on 20.3.2006. ******************************************** "The school tries its best to help students enjoy learning, and not to have them study under pressure." However, such concessions to modernity are more likely to worry Asian parents than reassure them. The only problem is that many parents are approaching the topic from an outdated perspective. South Korean educator Chung adds: "Education used to be the only way a person could move up in society, and the parents of our children are of a generation that grew up in just such a culture. But they are trying to impart 20th century values to 21st century children." In the new economies, the real spoils will go to the creatives—the quick-witted entrepreneurs and innovators, not the compliant milksops with ambitions restricted to the traditional professions. Education reform will come about only when this is more widely recognized by parents across Asia. Hirohito Komiyama, author of several books on the Japanese education system, explains: "Students who undergo mindless cramming tend to have a low EQ [a measure of emotional intelligence], and those who don't learn to socialize or communicate with others cannot succeed in the current corporate world, which increasingly seeks well-rounded individuals." "Although having children who do well will make them proud, most of the parents I encounter genuinely want the best for their children rather than [looking] to boost their own egos." Change will depend on the ability of parents to admit this more readily, to let go of their fixations with status and social superiority, and to recognize their children not as appendages but as individuals. For full script of the article, please see: |
Chole | 2006-03-29 12:02 |
大家好! 我睇完十幾頁各位 |
primary2006 | 2006-03-29 15:55 |
Hi Chole 我想有的學校會好難找出佢唔好的地方(反正讀緊既,佢地未必會話你知!你自己未親自讀過亦好難作出評論!) 所以我家選校時反而會想出一些增值的地方,有就會加分,反而會容易的作出決擇! 我家選校時考慮的主因順列如下:- 合囡囡眼緣? 是否小班教學? 初小班是否同時有班主任及助教支援? 升中是否已經肯定是一條龍直上? 每日有外籍教師教授外語? 每日有國內教師教授普通話? 男女校? 有豐富校外活動並包括在每日學校時間內? 學校地點距離家居比較接近? 放學時如另有課外活動有校車支援? 未來兩年有新校舍令小朋友有更佳學習環境? 以上各點純作參考,各家有唔同需要! |
Vernique2005 | 2006-03-29 19:49 |
Quote: primary2006 寫道: Hi Chole 我想有的學校會好難找出佢唔好的地方(反正讀緊既,佢地未必會話你知!你自己未親自讀過亦好難作出評論!) 所以我家選校時反而會想出一些增值的地方,有就會加分,反而會容易的作出決擇! 我家選校時考慮的主因順列如下:- 合囡囡眼緣? 是否小班教學? 初小班是否同時有班主任及助教支援? 升中是否已經肯定是一條龍直上? 每日有外籍教師教授外語? 每日有國內教師教授普通話? 男女校? 有豐富校外活動並包括在每日學校時間內? 學校地點距離家居比較接近? 放學時如另有課外活動有校車支援? 未來兩年有新校舍令小朋友有更佳學習環境? 以上各點純作參考,各家有唔同需要! :-) :-) 你所想的其實跟我所想的差不多。 可能﹐我會再加﹕ 1) 校外活動時學生給人的整體表現﹐是很開心﹐很踴躍﹐很認真﹐還是當交功課。 2) 學生和老師放學是有沒有笑容。 |