PACMA | 2006-09-18 23:42 |
My son's class teacher told me that during the Mock Primary one Admission Interview on Fri, classrooms will be decorated like a real interview room in Primary School. Parents do not need to participate in that interview; however, after the mock interview, teacher will talk to us one by one about the performance of our child, and most likely will give us some advices as well. |
stepanie | 2006-09-19 07:50 |
唔好意思各位媽咪,我想問入kentville是否很難,收生準則是什麼?我知人人話呢間學校好深、好嚴,但英文程度是否真的好難有沒有教普通話呢?你們的小朋友返學後英文有否進步 呢? ?-( |
lwlw | 2006-09-19 08:28 |
肥豬嘜嘜的媽咪, THANK YOU. lwlw Quote: 肥豬嘜嘜的媽咪 寫道: lwlw Congratulation!! Timothy & Grace |
3lamma | 2006-09-19 12:42 |
All K3 moms, So on the mock interview day, there will be no school right? Thank you. |
mcheung | 2006-09-19 13:34 |
yes, no school on mock P1 interview day. Quote: 3lamma 寫道: All K3 moms, So on the mock interview day, there will be no school right? Thank you. |
TeresaMom | 2006-09-19 14:39 |
Dear All Moms, Have you prepared the profolio for your kids? Application date would start next week, I'll try by best to finish it. |
tinatam | 2006-09-19 20:34 |
i prepared in summer. and sent out some copies :angryfire: :chair: :pint: |
tinatam | 2006-09-19 20:39 |
My son told me his english sound good and learn to write a lot of words from abc......My name is xxx Ilike to play....A cow drinks milk. :sm: :sm: :sick: :lalala: :mrgreen: Potunghua twice a week. The teacher told me speak very good.:pint: |
3lamma | 2006-09-20 09:40 |
TeresaMom, I think all the private and DSS take child's portfolio. I called one of the government school I like and they said they won't take portfolio in the first stage of the central allocation. I have prepared my son's portfolio already because some application date started already. Mcheng, Thank you. |
tinatam | 2006-09-20 12:19 |
陳瑞祺(喇沙)書院 is this shool more easy to apply |