Re: BB聽力測試

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mdoip | 2005-06-10 22:21
Hi yanyanpig,

loveyanpig | 2005-06-10 23:44

謝謝妳的提醒! 我現在也盡量與yanyan面對面說話, 也避免她的聽覺再受到損害!
我都想yanyan係一d事都無, 但有d o野唔到自己控制, 唯有努力面對, 希望yanyan將來會因為這一點點的"不完美"而更積極, 努力做人吧!


katmami | 2005-06-11 01:40
Hi, BK friends,

I have also done the ABR test from private institute for my baby girl la..... (Thanks for yanyanma's suggestion, otherwise I'd only wait conservatively until July by QM .... It may be rather late then... ) 結果顯示--我囡囡都有弱聽嘅問題--右耳低度(25-35), 左耳中度(45-55)....唔....可能巳做晒心理預備了....只係心裡一直希望有奇蹟吧了....咁我問the audiologist 咁即係對囡囡有幾多影响?佢話基本上對佢將來上學及溝通should be冇乜大問題, 可能只係欣賞唔倒大自然嘅聲音如樹葉飄落地, 水滴聲, 鬧鐘啲嗒聲等....and the audiologist said囡囡亦不需要助聽器!!!! ---太好了!(爸爸笑說可能哥哥正值trouble-two, 我哋又見新來賓姐姐好
DaisyWong | 2005-06-12 12:14
Hi BK mums,
近排疏咗上嚟BK,因為子喬依家成日痴人玩,攪到我筋疲力盡 :sleep: :giveup: 見到好多mums留言,都係d好嘅消息,希望子喬都一日一日咁進步啦 :-)

Hi Shiba-Inu,
多謝你嘅支持,我上咗去Sandy嘅website度,佢果'TRUE' story好encouraging:-D。另外,我同老公經過一星期訓練,終於成功地戴上耳機(而又唔令子喬喊), 暫時子喬都冇乜negative response,不過就要我哋成日monitor住,因為耳機頭郁郁,好多時部機會疏,進一步news, 再update la. :wave: :wave: :wave:

Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-13 01:46

From your other forum:

"1. Besides testing carrying out in clinic, my baby do have some reaction when we clap hands near her ears. Is it normal for Baby?"
"2. Any different between several tests (OAE and ABR)? If my baby fail OAE again, does she need to take ABR test?"

--- both can be answered by loveyanpig's description of OAE: it's a test of pass/ fail and does not describe the degree of hearing loss if ever the baby has it.

So your Q1, if a baby has a "TRUE" fail result, he/ she may or may not response to hand clapping because the degree of hearing loss may be mild or severe. If a baby has a "FALSE" fail result, he/ she has normal hearing but still may or may not response to hand clapping, due to the very young age.

But I think what the pamphlet has tried to tell u to check is a kind of reflex which is absent for baby having more severe hearing loss. Try it with at least 2 adults: one as observer and the other one to make the sound from an angle that baby cannot see you. The sound has to be REALLY loud e.g. loud drum, loud yelling. If the observer see baby's eyes blinking each time with the sound, that's the reflex telling us that baby shall not have severe/ profound hearing loss.

For Q2: since OAE is used for screening, if a fail result occurs, the baby should be referred to the ENT dept for further testing. e.g. ABR

Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-13 01:55


The OAE test has been backed up with extensive reseaches showing that it's suitable for testing even newborn. (Actually, younger the baby, stronger is the response. For old people like me, I have very small OAE responses although I know I have normal hearing... 8-) ).

However, that also depends on the setting of the equipment, skills of the tester etc.... If the equipment is set with a more stringent criteria, or if the tester put the earplug slightly tilted, that affect the result already. That's why your baby is called for a second test to re-confirm.

Don't get worried too early! Wait for your good news! ;-)
Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-13 02:00

I really like your statement:

"希望yanyan將來會因為這一點點的"不完美"而更積極, 努力做人吧!"

I think that's very sweet and positive! :-D


There is no straight rule. However, in HK, the GENERAL rule for govt settings is over 40 dB for both ears (i.e. moderate degree of hearing loss for both ears) in the frequencies most important to speech.
Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-13 02:07

"[i]爸爸笑說可能哥哥正值trouble-two, 我哋又見新來賓姐姐好
Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-13 02:08


Congratulation on getting your PhD in wearing hearing aids!!!! :lol:
galslide | 2005-06-13 11:04

I also have some hearing test questions would like to ask u, but since some issue related to the doctor's referal letter to the ENT doctor, so pls check PM. Many thanks!! :-)
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