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voasia | 2005-11-01 03:12
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| 2005-11-01 06:14
We guessed.
funnyface | 2005-11-01 12:50

ChunMaMa | 2005-11-03 13:35
My son will have interview this Sat. I am very worried as I like CKY very much. My son is small kid who was born in Nov and he attended interview for other schools - one is unsuccessful, one is on waiting list. I am very disappointed to these results, worry about no school accept and need to wait until June. :cry:

Moreover, if he fails to CKY, I will be very very very sad. :-(
EdT | 2005-11-03 13:59

Mr Ip 好似係鄰校校長。IB plan 要等份consultant 報告。


They said that the no. of applicants this year exceeded last year 'cos in 2004 they could conduct the first interview in one building while this year the interview had to be done in 2 buildings.


No need to worry too much, sometimes keep writing to those schools you like will work magic for you. All in all wish you good luck.
HuiTung | 2005-11-03 14:24
EdT 寫道:

Mr Ip 好似係鄰校校長。IB plan 要等份consultant 報告。


If Mr Ip was the ex-principal of 鄰校, then he is now the principal of CAIS lah! ;-)
funnyface | 2005-11-03 23:32
EdT 寫道:

They said that the no. of applicants this year exceeded last year 'cos in 2004 they could conduct the first interview in one building while this year the interview had to be done in 2 buildings.

聽聞,前幾年一個校舍面試都成千人,兩個校舍咪成二千人 ? 佢地好似收百幾人喎,咁咪好難考? :-(
dichanhk | 2005-11-04 01:30
蔡繼有是我心儀的學校, 優才已經收了我的兒子, 蔡繼有與優才, 應怎比較呢?
Nicole_Mom | 2005-11-04 13:31
Known from the last open day, the school will be relocated to somewhere due to the re-construction. Interested to know if the new school location is confirmed or not.
:-? :-? :-?
bowling68 | 2005-11-05 00:05
interview tomorrow. excited.!!!

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