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yvonnesum | 2007-09-10 16:30
:-) Quote:原文章由 yilam0213 於 07-6-27 10:02 硐表

it's quite happy that the birthday of my baby girl is same
as yours, but on 2006
991129 | 2007-09-28 09:16
My son will study P1 in Year 2008 and I also want to apply 培正. May I know it is rare for 培正 to collect the students not from 培正幼稚園? Thanks!
florakw222 | 2007-09-29 17:04
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991129 | 2007-10-04 05:52
Quote:原文章由 florakw222 於 07-9-29 17:04 硐表
培小個校長話上年小一派左9百幾張報名表, 收得10個, 點可以知係from邊間幼稚園:-o :-o :-o

:funk: :funk: :funk: :funk: Only 10 applicants can be selected from 900 pcs forms.....
zachnana | 2008-06-10 17:54
KathyKwong | 2008-06-10 20:06
Quote:原文章由 zachnana 於 08-6-10 17:54 發表

KK1234 | 2008-06-12 10:48

Ten years ago, Pui Ching Secondary was using English book but their medium of language for teaching was Cantonese and it was --中中.

Do you think they will change to use the English text book again after the change of gov't policy again?
DoReMi媽媽 | 2008-06-15 12:58
我好鈡意去培小ga, 每次去到(我唔係成日去), 揾唔到課室問啲小朋友時, 佢哋都好樂意答你, 仲好似鴨仔咁圍住你話俾你聽喺邊度, 吱吱喳喳好可愛, 睇得出佢哋讀得好開心, 如果單以學術成績作比較, 培小未必係最好, 但可以肯定大部份喺度讀o既學生都係讀得開心, 德育方面真係做得唔錯.
kwongwc | 2008-06-16 11:17
My girl is accepted by Pui Ching as P1 student this year. She's from a kindergarten in Kowloon Tong. I was surprised when I received the news. Many people said that they stress on cultivating kids to 'think'. I know it's hard to get a seat. But after serious consideration, I've decided to give up the seat. My main concern is language. My girl is good in managing English rather than Chinese. I've a feeling that she may not match with the culture there.
saiyeest | 2008-06-16 12:01


Quote:原文章由 DoReMi媽媽 於 08-6-15 12:58 發表
我好鈡意去培小ga, 每次去到(我唔係成日去), 揾唔到課室問啲小朋友時, 佢哋都好樂意答你, 仲好似鴨仔咁圍住你話俾你聽喺邊度, 吱吱喳喳好可愛, 睇得出佢哋讀得好開心, 如果單以學術成績作比較, 培小未必係最好, 但可 ...

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