Re: Any one give up the interview for DGJS?

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Sandrine | 2004-10-04 10:59
Agreed with Thinker that "Unless you believe the school is suitable for your child, then go ahead and attend the interview." DGJS is one of the top schools and dream schools of many parents. You have already read a lot of comments about it and should be able to decide.

We cannot deny that the school "produces" a lot of outstanding students, both in terms of academic results and music and sports achievement. But we should also accept that not all children can excel in the same school. My niece completed primary but dropped out in early secondary some years ago because of the pressure and not being able to catch up. She had grade 8 piano at 13 but that didn't make her special. It was the norm in her school. Her parents are professional and quite well off too, so are her classmates' parents. She got classmates who did very well but it just didn't work out for her.
Msma | 2004-10-04 14:11
DGJS + DGS actually head hunt outstanding girls from other schools . :mrgreen:
lamba | 2004-10-04 14:11
>>>Thinker : I have the same thinking as you do last year. However, when you look back later and compare DGJS's interview with other schools arrangement. Your kid really have not much to learn in DGJS's interview as compare with other schools' interview.


1. Why DGJS interview does not offer much to learn when compared with other schools' interviews?

2. Which school(s)' interview(s) offer better learning experience ?

thank you !

2mings | 2004-10-04 15:29
You have discussed with your friends and relatives. Have you discussed with your daughter? She is big enough to make the decision for her own life. If she decides to give up the interview, will you feel disappointed?

If you will also feel disappointed, why don't you try first? At least, you have a new item to talk with your child. At least, you have showed your respect to your child. At least, you haven't waste your time to get the form and fill it in. At least, you can take a walk in the nearby region after the interview. At least, you and your daughter have a chance to visit the campus...... See, there are so many advantages.

Quote:由 cooyee 於 2004-10-03 15:45:22

After discussion with my friends and relatives, I finally make the decision of giving up the interview for the school

Expose | 2004-10-04 15:57
DGJS 原本也是我的 Dream School, 但對於是否要報讀, 我現在也開始感動搖.....
我擔心的不是每月 3000 多的學費, 不是自己是否住豪宅、有無"家底".... 而是到底 DGJS 是否適合自己的女兒?
雖然許多家長都追逐全英環境的名校, 但女兒生長在一個以中文為主要語言的環境, 雖然工人講英文, 幼稚園有外籍老師, 課外活動有 Phonics, 但足以應付嗎? DGJS 的教學模式為何? 就算女兒有幸錄取, 我非全職媽媽, 等我回家才可替女兒看功課, 又是否可行?
雖然身為父母的, 都想替子女安排一條 "最好" 的路, 但客觀的條件容許嗎?
我不認為 K2 的小朋友會懂得和父母一起分析這些問題, 釐清了自己心中的 "困惑" 才決定是否去 interview 吧
cooyee | 2004-10-04 18:57
Dear all parents,

Thanks for all your reply and support.
There are really pros and cons for whether giving up the interview. Like Expose, I am also a working mother, so I understand the difficulties a working mother has to face for a kid entering such an elite school.

I really do not know whether DGJS would be suitable for my girl, anyway, the chance to get in is very low.
Thinker | 2004-10-04 21:57

I agreed with you.


Having a second thought, I really have "no more air" to tell. I fully understand that this is most parents dream and hope, I don't wanted to spoil them.

Other schools' interviews involved playing team games, drawings, testing of language skills (English and/or Chinese), IQ questions which require some thinking or even paper examinations etc.

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