YatYatmommy | 2004-10-28 12:35 |
既然拉丁文係西歐語系既根源,以前小孩甚至農夫都說拉丁文,點解時至今天幾近失傳? 大胆假設一個可能性係拉丁文的複雜性,複合法和可以引申的意義已不再合適,所以演變到今天各國不同的語言. 至於說可以加強英語的認識這點,我認為如果小朋友有興趣研究字的意義,如同中文字形或象形文字,都未嘗不可,只係小小睇法 :oops: |
LOUISEF | 2004-10-28 16:05 |
西方語系既根源是拉丁文,在希臘的神話故事中有很多拉丁語,正如東方的中國古文,兩者有很大的智慧在背後,諗下,兩者都好值得我去認識多D,好讓我可讓我的女兒去學習。多謝你們的發表,對我有很大的啟發呵! :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: |
OLmommy | 2004-10-28 21:19 |
題外話: 我想知道呢首歌係嘜野話-係唔係拉丁文? 如果唔係, 又係嘜文? 請問又有無人知首歌名?http://pya.cc/pyaimg/pimg.php?imgid=4083 ?-( 借左地方插咀, 唔好見怪! 謝謝! 因為真係想知! :cheeze: |
Blythemia | 2004-10-29 00:41 |
就叫做Volare,大肥佬Paravotti唱過,我聽既係意大利文版,不過你呢隻又唔係.我未諗到係咩文,總之唔係法意德英日.不過我知佢一行成串字其實唔係一個字,亦唔係拉丁文,而係將成句既字母連起哂一齊. 畫面下面閃過一行字仔,個D就係德文. 你個問題好有趣,我會繼續搵答案. |
Blythemia | 2004-10-29 01:05 |
我重以為係荷l蘭文,睇真d又唔係,我要再搵 ?-( |
wmt | 2004-10-29 01:10 |
OLmommy 首歌好好聽, melody 係南美音樂, 而我查到d字, 好有趣 : volare = it will fly (spanish), to fly (italy) bolare = ball are (dutch) kantare = side are (dutch) cantera = will lay (french), quarry (spanish) klatschen = applaud (german) |
Blythemia | 2004-10-29 08:49 |
This is an English translation of the lyrics. Sometimes the world is a valley of heartaches and tears, And in the hustle and bustle, no sunshine appears, But you and I have our love always there to remind us There is a way we can leave all the shadows behind us. Volare, oh, oh! Cantare, oh, oh, oh, oh! Let's fly way up in the clouds Away from the maddening crowds We can sing in the glow of a star that I know of Where lovers enjoy peace of mind Let us leave the confusion and all disillusion behind Just like birds of a feather, a rainbow together we'll find Volare, oh, oh! Cantare, oh, oh, oh, oh! No wonder my happy heart sings Your love has given me wings Your love has given me wings Your love has given me wings |
agoodfox | 2004-10-29 13:36 |
Dear all, The title of the song is "Volare" (To fly). If I'm correct, the original name is "Nel blu, dipinto di blu" (In the blue, painted blue), an italian song. The version OLmommy mentioned is sung by Gypsy Kings. Most of the lyrics is Spanish but the chorus part is Italian. The words on that "karaoke screen" seem to me something like "pinyin", not the actual lyrics. The lyrics: [Spanish] Pienso que un sueño parecido no volverá más y me pintaba las manos y la cara de azul y de improviso el viento rápido me llevó y me hizo volar en el cielo infinito. [Italian] Volare oh oh Cantare oh oh oh oh nel blu, dipinto di blu felice di stare lassù [Spanish] Y volando, volando feliz, yo me encuentro más alto, más alto que el sol, mientras el mundo se aleja despacio de mí una música dulce tocada sólo para mí. [Italian] Volare oh oh Cantare oh oh oh oh nel blu, dipinto di blu felice di stare lassù [Spanish] Pienso que un sueño parecido no volverá más y me pintaba las manos y la cara de azul y de improviso el viento rápido me llevó y me hizo volar en el cielo infinito. [Italian] Volare oh oh Cantare oh oh oh oh nel blu, dipinto di blu felice di stare lassù Volare oh oh Cantare oh oh oh oh nel blu, dipinto di blu felice di stare lassù [Spanish] Pienso que un sueño parecido no volverá más y me pintaba las manos y la cara de azul y de improviso el viento rápido me llevó y me hizo volar en el cielo infinito. [Italian] Volare oh oh Cantare oh oh oh oh nel blu, dipinto di blu felice di stare lassù Nel blu, dipinto di blu felice di stare lassù Nel blu, dipinto di blu felice di stare lassù Nel blu, dipinto di blu felice di stare lassù Nel blu, dipinto di blu |
agoodfox | 2004-10-29 14:35 |
Translation of the lyrics: [Spanish] Pienso que un sueño parecido no volverá más y me pintaba las manos y la cara de azul y de improviso el viento rápido me llevó y me hizo volar en el cielo infinito. [English translation] I think that a similar dream will not return anymore and it painted my hands and face blue and unexpectedly the quick/fast wind took me and made me fly in the infinite sky [Italian] Volare oh oh Cantare oh oh oh oh nel blu, dipinto di blu felice di stare lassù [English translation] To fly oh oh To sing oh oh oh oh in the blue, painted blue happy to be up there [Spanish] Y volando, volando feliz, yo me encuentro más alto, más alto que el sol, mientras el mundo se aleja despacio de mí, una música dulce tocada sólo para mí. [English translation] And flying, happy flying I find myself higher, higher than the sun while the world/earth moves away slowly from me, a soft/sweet music played only for me I like the song too, we can 聽歌 ==> 學外語! :mrgreen: |
OLmommy | 2004-10-29 17:45 |
你地好厲害呀. 我年紀越大, 越見得多野, 越覺得自己好渺少, 乜鬼野都唔識, 識果D又得半桶水....上網真好, 增廣見聞, 不出門能知天下事, 感謝各位的回應. |