Re: 九龍塘Nottingham Children Campus好唔好?

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Bowiema | 2004-12-22 23:37
不過我last year 讀時, 所有只返1 lesson per week 都有得取報名表(sc & kentille). 只係無cert or ref. letter.

HoHoMom | 2004-12-23 12:14
ang_chiu 寫道:
May I know which school your baby attent to in Hong Kong side? Quite interesting.


Presume this is a question for me. My baby went to Panda Junction in Hong Kong. It's very interesting.
chuenma | 2004-12-28 14:54
剛打電話去,D staff 話都唔知下個term有無位,其實係唔係真係好難入,mud D playgroup 都噤巴閉。都唔係平,要$7290一個term(27堂)。
tkma | 2004-12-28 16:51
Hi chuenma,

I also want to know more details of this playgroup, can you tell me the tel no. or is there any website address? How old is you baby? What other playgroup are you looking for or considering?

(sorry so many questions, want to know more ar
:-D thank you!!)

chuenma 寫道:
剛打電話去,D staff 話都唔知下個term有無位,其實係唔係真係好難入,mud D playgroup 都噤巴閉。都唔係平,要$7290一個term(27堂)。
: :wave:
chuenma | 2004-12-28 17:09
Dear thma

My baby is 14 mth-old. The tel for NCC is 23377148. Art Haven, Creative Power and Cannan Kindergarten are also good.

tkma | 2004-12-28 20:50
Hi cheunma,

Thanks for your information. I think i will call them to see more. By the way, what is the chinese name of the NCC? Is it a kinder, why i can't find it on the kinder 天書?

What are "Art Haven" and "Creative Power"?

Sorry sorry so many questions again...
:oops: :oops: :oops:

Million thanks! :wave: :wave:
Bowiema | 2004-12-29 14:28

NCC is not a kindergatren, it just only a playgroup and learning centre so you cant find it in the kinder 天書.

NCC did not have chinese name.
chuenma | 2004-12-30 13:49
Hart Haven 是藝窩做playgroup及興趣班,同事及綱上家長讚好。tel : 31197668
Creative Power是朗x社,導師十分尊業,ratio 1:4,收費不貴。
yoyobb | 2004-12-31 13:05

我想請問NCC既playground/nursery係讀幾多年架, 要幾多歲入讀架? 又要幾時開始報讀呢????

請指教, 因為我係新手媽咪, 咩都唔識 :wave:
mcheung | 2004-12-31 15:09

NCC just is playgroup, not nursery. 4 terms - around 3 mths will be divided a year.

18 mths old

any time
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