Nail | 2005-03-20 21:35 |
子喬爸爸, 我都睇左baby kingdom的客戶推介有間"宣美語言及聽覺中心",應該就係我朋友個女細個讀過o個間喇(個電話一樣),你click去客戶推介睇下,o的小朋友都幾開心,希望子喬都可以快快樂樂成長! Nail :cheeze: |
DaisyWong | 2005-03-30 17:59 |
子喬今天去了見ENT醫生了。但那個醫生十問九唔知,激氣 :angryfire: 。 現在要等四月十二日再見兒科,オ會有進一步安排。 究竟子喬對耳有乜事呢?心急死了。 子喬爸爸上 |
reginang | 2005-03-30 23:48 |
DaisyWong 但那個醫生十問九唔知 ...... 有冇攪錯ar,個醫生明知bb驗左幾次,做父母一定很担心,佢唔係有個報告架咩,講多句唔洗c :chair: :chair: :ranting: :ranting: 希望子喬冇事,等你好消息 :oops: |
DaisyWong | 2005-03-31 00:48 |
Hi reginang 唉,好鬼激氣呀, :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: 等咗成10日,終於等到覆診日,以為可以有個答案啦 (因為我哋之前睇私家兒科,想叫佢 |
Nail | 2005-03-31 21:50 |
dear daisy, sorry that i was away in these days and i did think of 子喬 about her 覆診. 我剛在這兒看到有關子喬見醫生的消息,也對政府的醫生感到失望及氣憤. 咁你現在有乜打算?不如你試下睇私家醫生啦,以免徙左子喬的時間又一肚氣. 特殊教育即係乜野意思?應該可以"正常"教育架喎,我朋友個女係於普通學校讀架. 有乜野我地可以幫你?駛唔駛我再幫你問下我個朋友?welcome to share or email me! cheer up! only u can help 子喬 |
DaisyWong | 2005-04-01 00:08 |
Dear nail, 多謝關心。 我都唔知個"特殊"教育詳情,因為仲排緊期,個教育中心屬於教育統籌局,我諗會係train up advice。 我最想知究竟BB耳仔邊度有問題,咁先可以對症下藥嗎。我哋嚟緊會揾私家醫生,你朋友有冇兒科耳科refer,我哋想揾屬於"兒科"耳科,起碼會對小朋友細心d。另外都會approach"宣美",welcome你share我個case with你朋友,睇吓仲有セ嘢可以做。 之前好迷茫,子喬又咁細,真係前路茫茫。但自從在此留言,得到各方媽媽advise,知道仍有出路,巳化眼淚為力量了。 子喬媽上 :sm: :sm: :sm: |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-01 03:12 |
Hi DaisyWong, I am an audiologist, but not working in HK now. I used to work with kids and I am very sympathetic to your case. I know at this stage you and your family will have lots of worries, but bit by bit as you understand the problem more and know how to help your kid, things will get better along the way. I saw your messages both in this forum and the other one, I am sorry about the standard of service u received. I remember u still have a lot of questions in your mind. I hope to help out a little bit here (sorry I don't type Chinese, hope u understand the English term I use) 1. 4 months old is not too young to do ABR, as it has scientific data to support even testing newborn (Western countries are using it to screen newborns' hearing). If there are other complications (eg. premature), that's another story. 2. Audiologists should have done other tests to try to eliminate whether it's conductive loss or not (i.e. problem of outer and middle ear, which can be usually treated medically). For sensorineural hearing loss (i.e. problem of inner ear - cochlea and/ or auditory nerve), there is little that can be done medically, the solution by then will usually be hearing aids/ cochlear implant + suitable habilitation. 3. As mentioned by a ST here, ABR is an objective test, it records the brain waves (up to the brainstem level, not up to the cortex though) elicited by sound stimulation. By about 6 months, 子喬 should be ready for a subjective test called VRA. And that test shows us how the baby makes sense of what he's hearing. Usually intergrating the information of both are more useful when baby is up to the age. 4. "Special Education" section under EMB does not only helps pupils studying in special schools, actually it intends to help ALL pupils with special needs, including those studying in normal schools. And if the kid is able to cope in normal school, intergrating him/ her in normal school is the present trend. 子喬 is still too young to attend school, so EMB will provide test, advice, training now and help in getting the right kind of school when he reaches school age. 5. The kindergarten that Nail mentioned here (Suen Mei) helps hearing impaired kids to learn talking through a habilitation method called "auditory verbal" skills. There are about 3 other KGs out there that train HI kids. EMB will give u more information on that. 6. I worked with lots of kids and many of them suceed in overcoming their hearing problems. Though every case is unique, I believe having supportive parents like u is vital. My last advice is: don't over-react or over-do anything, treat 子喬 as a normal kid and he will grow up well with your love. 7. Here is a good website if u are still hungry for information: |
bb2005hk | 2005-04-01 10:20 |
HI,Shiba-Inu , 我BB因出生高黃342,三個月大時做測試(ABR),醫生說有1-2個音聽不到,曲線唔靚, 要1歲再測1次,我問醫生是不是有問題,醫生說不要太緊張,測試你有可能會有1-2個音聽不到,我很擔心6個月時想做測試,醫生說太早做冇意思,神經系統未生好,請問: 1)是不是測試成人有可能會有1-2個音聽不到 2)為什麼要1歲再測 |
reginang | 2005-04-01 10:31 |
100% agreed treat our baby as a normal kid and they will grow up well with our love :-D :-D :-D Quote: Shiba-Inu 寫道: Hi DaisyWong, ............... treat 子喬 as a normal kid and he will grow up well with your love. |
DaisyWong | 2005-04-02 01:33 |
Hi Shiba-Inu, 多謝留言,d資料真係好helpful. :-D :-D :-D 但仍有些疑問,煩請賜教。 1) per item 2 : 既然耳仔毛病可以有唔同病源,繼而有唔同治療方法,點解個醫生又唔再跟進呢?到現在為止,我仍然未知bb究竟有乜事,同埋成因 (或者個成因巳經唔再重要),淨係話bb severe hearing loss (嗰report喺咁寫),所以我哋先會咁担心。 2) per item 3 : bb安排咗6個月再做testing (誘聽XX),我唔記得個exact name,可能是你所指的VRA。但既然physically 上無セtreatment follow up,再做test都唔知會有dセ進展 3) per item 7 : Thanks la. I will go there & attend the online program 子喬媽上 |