Chole | 2005-09-08 20:14 |
仲難過之前........ :-? |
honeybbb | 2005-09-08 20:43 |
其實唔收profile 仲好la, 做小d, 大家又無得比較, 最終都係靠仔女既表現 :cheeze: |
nataliehui | 2005-09-08 21:53 |
agree!Quote: honeybbb 寫道: 其實唔收profile 仲好la, 做小d, 大家又無得比較, 最終都係靠仔女既表現 :cheeze: |
apricot | 2005-09-08 22:55 |
as per the teacher who distribute the form, those 5 pages should only include: - application form - birth cert copy - latest school report - address proof - baptism cert if applicable Actually, all these are mentioned in the application form. |
Chole | 2005-09-08 23:18 |
Oops, the distributor (probably parent volunteer or old girl) says the 5 pages are in addition to those required documents..... For those BKmama who will go tommorrow, could you care to ask again please? Many thanks, Chole |
Chole | 2005-09-08 23:21 |
I read the application form again. It should be 5 "Additional" papers as per Note 5 of Section A. Chole |
josephine1818 | 2005-09-08 23:34 |
Chole I will go there on tommorrow. Try to ask the teacher about this. 其實我都同意不用 Portfolio, 因為我亦正為此而煩. 再者亦未做... 明天取表後才算吧 你打算報多小間私校??? jc Quote: Chole 寫道: Oops, the distributor (probably parent volunteer or old girl) says the 5 pages are in addition to those required documents..... For those BKmama who will go tommorrow, could you care to ask again please? Many thanks, Chole |
apricot | 2005-09-08 23:43 |
Quote: Chole 寫道: I read the application form again. It should be 5 "Additional" papers as per Note 5 of Section A. Chole Chloe, yes, u're right! but what the teacher (or parent) told me is totally different wor! hopefully someone can clarify, thx |
Chole | 2005-09-09 13:34 |
jc, 我個女除o左系大女之外,什麼分也沒有,所以心都慌o西。唯有報埋d 貴o既小學如維多利亞。等大抽獎好渺茫。 點解而家讀書o甘難o既.... Chole |
josephine1818 | 2005-09-10 00:26 |
Chole 已問過除了要的証件附本外, 可以加5張A4紙Portfolio. (老師話多出不會看, 不要浪費時間) 我個亦系首名子女. 不過我沒有考慮維多利亞. St. Paul Co-Educational College 亦可以download 表格. 你住邊區. Luck draw 始終都要Join 除非此等Band 1私校收了除外. (點解而家讀書o甘難o既....) 現在因為我們明白書到用時方恨少. 故此才要子女入比較好學校. :-) :-) jc |