Re: 黃仁龍為愛女報考聖士提反小一

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Tzeyanmui | 2005-10-26 16:25
Dear KKLee

In your opinion, which one is the best primary school in HK?
savoy | 2005-10-26 22:08

Ex-classmate of my son has her elder brother studies in St.Stephen. The mother could always send the little one to there too. Coincidentally, elder son of my friend also studies P5 in this school. This year, my friend chooses HKUGA for her little son as well. Somehow if your child is not studying there, it is not easy to understand the fact behind.

Agree with you that "consider it as a very good primary school (although not the best in the HK side) in terms of facilities, curriculum, education philosophy, mode of education, staff resources,..etc" But not many parents can afford its high school fee.

hkuga may not the best of all and I believe many schools are doing very good in many areas. It is just hkuga has her charisma and her fans.

kklee | 2005-10-27 00:01
Dear Savoy & Tzeyanmui

In response to both of your message, I have some personnal opinions.

A - Comparision between St Stephen & HKUGA:

1. I guest that one of the reasons that the two cases you mentioned did not send their younger kids to St. Stephen might be due to the high school fee. It would be not easy for a normal middle class family to afford sending both kids to St. Stephen. Of course there may be some other real reasons and you are in a better position to find it out.

2. To compare St. Stephen with HKUGA, I was just based on the information provided by the schools as well as my observations on the facilities and students and some feedbacks from parents.

- Both schools emphasize using non-traditional ways of teaching but I think the environment of St. Stephen as well as its long history can better foster such a good learning environment.

- The mode of teaching in St. Stephen will better develop the kid's language ability especially in English and Potungha. Note that all subjects except religious study will be conducted in either English or Potungha in St. Stephen.

- The average students of St. Stephen will come from the middle class which may have better resources for their kids (i.e. just a general deduction)

- The available resources for each student from the school will be much greater for St. Stephen than HKUGA because of the higher school fee even HKUGA get a certain direct subsidy from the government (i.e. just also a general deduction). Please note that I had a bad experience for my kid in kindergarten that although the kindergarten has a very good mode of education and a very good principal, however, due to limited of resource, the actual results were not as expected because the teachers were too busy to handle too many students and prepare a lot of teaching materials.

- My impression on the students of St. Stephen is better than HKUGA after my observations. They are smart, cheerful, polite and energetic.

- I heard quite a lot rumors from parents of the my kid's kindergarten that the actual results of HKUGA were not as good as they expected. The student turnover rate is quite high. I am not sure on this as I did not conduct any real investigation on these points.

3. It is not easy to explain why the application number of HKUGA is so high. Please think that if I cannot afford a high school fee for my kid but just enough to support the monthy fee of around HK$1500, why not I try to apply HKUGA as a spare at least HKUGA will be better than most of the governement or subsidized primary schools even though no school fee is required for those schools under the central student allocation system. If you get the actual number of turning down the offer per year, you will realize whether HKUGA is really well-accepted by most parents.

Anyway, the above are just my personal views and I am not intend to diminish or deny the great effort made by all the good teachers and staff of HKUGA. It just happens that HKUGA is still too young to have relevant track records and I am afraid whether the limited resource of HKUGA can achieve its good education philiosophy and believes.

B - The best primary school in HK side:

Different parents have different criteria in selecting the school for their kids. No one has the authority to say which school is the best. Therefore, I can only give my opinion on my best choice based on my own criteria and judgement.

Firstly, I would like to give my selection criteria on primary school for my kid:

- It must be a co-education school as my kid is a boy and I believe that a boy is most suitable to study at a co-ed school while a girl is most suitable to study at a girl's school.

- It must be either a Christian school or at least without religion background because we are a Christian family.

- It must use an interactive way of teaching becasue I believe that it will arouse the learning interest of my kid and help my kid to be more creative and innovative, be able to think out of the box and solve the problem by himself.

- It must put great emphasize on building up a good language ability as I believe that language is the fundamental of all learning.

- It must put morale education at the first place as I believe that if a kid develops a poor morale standard, the greater capability he/she posseses, the greater damages to the community and others he/she will be in the future.

- It must have a vision and mission to strive for excellence as I believe that all kids have a lot of potential but must be explored in an effective and efficiency way.

Based on my above personal criteria of selecting a primary school, I find it difficult to identify any good government or subsidy primary school meeting my requirements in the HK side.

If we consider only non international schools, I will choose St Paul Co. Ed as my first choice and St. Stephen as my second choice. However, unfortunately, my son's application for St. Paul Co. Ed (Macdonnel) probably fails as I still do not receive the 2nd interview letter while someone said that he already received the 2nd interview letter on this Monday.

Anyway, although I have a little bit disappointment, I believe that God may consider St Paul Co. Ed not suitable for my son even though I like it very much.

Thank you for your patient in reading through my contribution.

xiaomama | 2005-10-27 08:28
我鄰居說,她朋友有三個仔女,頭兩個讀St. Stephen,最後一個讀HKUGA,因為學費太貴,負擔不起!
tingtingting | 2005-10-27 09:33
Wong also attended his daughter's interview at St. Paul's Co-ed. Apparently, he has submitted applications to a number of schools. I am glad that people like him have to go through the normal application procedures. That is the beauty of HK, isn't it?

kklee | 2005-10-27 09:39
I highly appreciate the act of Mr Wong, our new Secretary of Justise. I believe he will follow the normal application procedures but not exert his influence.

In fact, I really want to know Mr Wong's philosophy and believes in his kids' education and his criteria in selecting schools.

tingtingting 寫道:
Wong also attended his daughter's interview at St. Paul's Co-ed. Apparently, he has submitted applications to a number of schools. I am glad that people like him have to go through the normal application procedures. That is the beauty of HK, isn't it?


Thomasthetrain | 2005-10-27 10:45

Totally agree with your comments on St. Stephen and HKUGS. Your comments were also my concern when I applied for my kid primary school last year. Luckily, my boy is now studying in St. Stephen and I will apply this school for my youngest son in next year.
Sindy | 2005-10-27 11:00
Vernique2005 寫道:

多數都係勒﹐我個friend 成班同學都一起在溫哥華見。。 8-)

我想問下溫哥華有乜中學好呀..我都搵定後路 :-) :-)
kklee | 2005-10-27 11:33

Congratulation that you have made a good decision. I believe that you will have two well-educated smart boys!

Thomasthetrain 寫道:

Totally agree with your comments on St. Stephen and HKUGS. Your comments were also my concern when I applied for my kid primary school last year. Luckily, my boy is now studying in St. Stephen and I will apply this school for my youngest son in next year.

sunny0426 | 2005-10-27 12:14
Dear Thomasthetrain,

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