Re: DGS 沒有2nd interview

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CDMa | 2005-10-26 22:08
execuse me, may I ask how long do you think the interview such that it is considered not rediculous? My experiences so far were most of the schools did the same (around 5 minutes for each candidate), and some even less than 5 min and not by principal at all.

Anyone came across any interview by principal last for more than 10 minutes?

bowling68 寫道:
DGS 沒有2nd interview

今天去完. 收資料時派紙通告 (沒有2nd interview)
話 21/12 通知

interview 兩個小朋友, 約 total 10 min.

我諗 已有一批 short-list. 宜家見人似做戲多

ton | 2005-10-27 10:38
well, I actually appreciated the interviews at St Paul,s co-ed, HKUGAPS cos I felt they really tried to give each child a chance to at least warm up before that 5 minute interview. In fact the children are being assessed the minute they are taken away from the parents.In St Paul's, they played for 30-60mins before the interview, and while waiting outside the interview room, the lady waiting with them spoke with them. In HKUGAPS, they test the kids in reading, etc. At least we feel they are trying to see what the child can do. But in DGS, most kids are just asked for their names and age and who brought you here. Obviously a show, and a bad one at that.
CDMa | 2005-10-27 14:48
thanks for your comment. That's true, SPCC's format is better than DGJS. Though I don't think the group play section should form part of the assessment, I do agree kids got warm up and feel free after playing for more than an hour before the interview.



ton 寫道:
well, I actually appreciated the interviews at St Paul,s co-ed, HKUGAPS cos I felt they really tried to give each child a chance to at least warm up before that 5 minute interview. In fact the children are being assessed the minute they are taken away from the parents.In St Paul's, they played for 30-60mins before the interview, and while waiting outside the interview room, the lady waiting with them spoke with them. In HKUGAPS, they test the kids in reading, etc. At least we feel they are trying to see what the child can do. But in DGS, most kids are just asked for their names and age and who brought you here. Obviously a show, and a bad one at that.

Tzeyanmui | 2005-10-27 15:01
My daughter just been to interview this morning, the staff there attached the original copy of my daughter's latest school result to the application form, I saw the copy of her birth cert and address proof was also attached to the form, but cannot see those "5 pages" of other certs I have send in when submitted the form. Did any parents notice whether these certs were attached to the application form or not?
navigator | 2005-10-27 16:02
Tzeyanmui 寫道:
My daughter just been to interview this morning, the staff there attached the original copy of my daughter's latest school result to the application form, I saw the copy of her birth cert and address proof was also attached to the form, but cannot see those "5 pages" of other certs I have send in when submitted the form. Did any parents notice whether these certs were attached to the application form or not?

在我的記憶中,除的申請表,正本的幼稚園成績表,地址証明付本及出世紙付本拿給校長看外,根本沒有把其他的附件了。我猜這些附件不看也罷。他們為了方便工作,可能早就扔掉了。她早就有底擇生了,毋須多此一舉。因為只憑看其申請表所填寫的內容;正本的幼雅園成績表等評語又可証明小朋友是否真的出自於如SC, CCKG等名幼稚園;而地址証明付本及出世紙付本主要用來衡量小朋友的『財力』如何。當然最重要的環節還是以校長的個人感觀及對家長的喜好為主打。她的作風像是『金正日』;如果她主觀地認為這個小朋友或家長不行,就算在客觀上此小朋友成績卻是科科拿100分的,她也妄想能夠入讀女小拔。對不對?!
sheenaho | 2005-10-27 16:16

我有個朋友的女兒數年前考入DGS. 她不是old girl, 亦不rich. 她女兒讀CCKG, 在一些全港公開比賽中拿過奬, 可能因此得到青睞.所以可能要有一些特別的talent機會才大些.
ms | 2005-10-28 23:52
Yes, I saw my 5-page profile was attached to the form. I also saw that the lady asked a parent to select 5 pages from the "thick" profile, which was sent to the school on the day to submit the application form.
bowling68 | 2005-10-29 06:29
I mean how they can access the right candidates 105 from 1,800+ girls from just 8 min (2 girls together) and without 2nd interview. Just asked few simple questions in conversation and asked
the difference of 2 pictures. If the principal really did like this, she had to be very very smart. Otherwise, I think she had a short-list on hand already.

By the time, anyone submitted Profolio during handed in the application on 13/9 & 14/9 ?
I did not notice they accept it but my colleague said that she has sent the Profolio at that date ! :tongue:
ms | 2005-10-29 11:23
When I submitted the application form, I did notice that the helper accepted a portfolio because that helper didn't know the "5-page portfolio" rule! A teacher (I think), asked that helper not to accept any folders or portfolios after she accepted one. Therefore, some portfolios were slipped through. Has your colleague attended the interview? Has she been asked to select 5 pages from her portfolio when she attended the interview" (I sam this scenery when we attended the interview).
BusyBaBa | 2005-10-31 18:40

校長點篩選我唔知,但要in一位小朋友,五分鐘其實好夠. 人事部in人,頭十五分鐘都已知七八,更何況小朋友. 一位百貨公司sales,幾分鐘已辨認出一個walk-in顧客,係買嘢定齋睇,唔使特異功能,皆因職業技能. 你試吓走去同一些唔熟同事嘅囝囝囡囡傾談,五分鐘傾談你都可以對佢評頭品足.

其實個校長一早講明,接見時係閒話家常,唔係問你識幾多個生字. 有啲小朋友真係好醒目. 如果校長話要考朗讀書本,班家長又一窩蜂去谷,識得讀篇文又代表咩嘢. 而且話明睇成績表,已濾走一批考生.

用人事關係入去嘅,間間學校都有,包括津校,呢啲無可厚非. 但肯定亦有一班冇人事嘅小朋友入左去,貴乎在於你會唔會積極參與.

好似見到一份BK文章話: "孩子在鼓勵參與的環境中長大,就會學到積極主動"

bowling68 寫道:
I mean how they can access the right candidates 105 from 1,800+ girls from just 8 min (2 girls together) and without 2nd interview. Just asked few simple questions in conversation and asked
the difference of 2 pictures. If the principal really did like this, she had to be very very smart. Otherwise, I think she had a short-list on hand already.

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