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benmack | 2005-11-05 14:46
Hi all,

Today interview feeling is good. My son said he was playing happy there. He told me that last session of the interview is grouping child to do a worksheet. The work sheet is to ask child to join a line to complete a words in english and chinese. For example, foot + ball(football) and 女+馬(媽). Found that interview organized very well although there are much children took part in interview. The interview is arranged in 2 building.
Parents were arranged waiting in classroom and asked to fill in a questionarie. Moreover, have a english teacher ask parents for some simple question like what's your occupation and any extraactivities your child took part in.

hope it's useful.

mummybear | 2005-11-05 21:54
Hi, Voasia, can you email your ftp site address and password to me as well? thanks in advance. my email is [email protected]

Wnnieng | 2005-11-05 22:20
How long did the interview take today? Is one hour enough? My girl's interview date is on 12/11 and I have to take her to the extraactivity after the interview. Does the school arrange 2nd interview to the kid or just once?

bowling68 | 2005-11-05 23:07
今日見完. 感覺非常好. 的阿姐 校工 helper 個個笑面迎人.
完全唔 似 DGS & 陳守仁的人咁 cool.

過程 30 對家長 & 小朋友 在指定時間前 10 min 叫上課室, 等左 20 min. 到, 外藉老師 黎嘻哈幾句, 然後 帶左15 個 &
15 個 的小朋友 出去 around 55 min.

家長留係房到 填1張紙既 questionaire (算係之前 portfolio 既 suppliment), 然後等老師叫名 作簡單既
問題 (圍繞小朋友 既課外活動), 好輕鬆就果隻,
around 10 min.

至於 小朋友 個集体 "遊戲", 應該係玩完玩具.
寫中英文字 "日" + "月" & "STAR" + "FISH"
同兩條加數 "3 + 2" & "5 + 3"

sofinalam | 2005-11-05 23:16
請問老師面見家長時,是用什麼語言呢? :lol:
sofinalam | 2005-11-05 23:18
voasia | 2005-11-05 23:23
作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
voasia | 2005-11-05 23:25
作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
bowling68 | 2005-11-05 23:48

問卷是全英文, 所以我估是用英文

老師面見家長時,是100% 用中文

KoalaBrothers | 2005-11-06 15:21

多謝你解釋得咁詳細 :cheeze:

可唔以可以講埋1st interview比我知? Thanks in advance.
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