tinatam | 2006-09-21 23:25 |
All primary school list and web site, find you favour school here:- http://embhsc.hkedcity.net/primary/ :fighting1: :fighting1: :fighting1: :fighting1: :fighting1: :fighting1: :fighting1: :fighting1: :fighting1: |
tinatam | 2006-09-21 23:30 |
I found my son very good on using mouse to kick the computer. Do you know what's programs of KV using? I want to know what is he doing in computer session? my son told me .....DOG EATS BONE!.....somethigs like that...Did you buy some computer games to your kids? Which one is good? Do you know any mandarine programme ? |
3lamma | 2006-09-22 01:02 |
tinatam, My son told me they played computer games in class yesterday. I think they did that last year also. My son started playing computer games from 2.5 (Disney preschool, kindergarten). He likes that because there are many educational games. Now he read stories or play free on-line games through the internet with time limit set. |
tinatam | 2006-09-22 10:15 |
My husband cannot allow him to play on computer, only watch TV and play games / watch Disney VCD . Now, I am looking for some mandarin programme, please advise!!! :fighting1: :fighting1: :fighting1: :fighting1: :fighting1: :fighting1: New Gym Class to be open next week at YMCA Yau ma tei, will you join nicholas? |
sac.wen | 2006-09-22 11:18 |
Very true :-D :-D something more to supplement... KV tried best to make the interview as realistic as possible. They requested children to wait "QUIETLY and POLITELY" outside the room and will arrange teachers from other classes as the interviewers. (This is to make children do the interview more SERIOUSLY). Besides, they requested parents to bring some documents along (e.g. birth cert, school report, self-stamped envelope etc..). Please follow the instructions strictly as it's very similiar in most primary schools' interviews. Nevertheless, parents please relax... this interview aims to help both children and parents understand the interview flow instead of heckling any. Last year, the content include simple quesitons and some writing (e.g. chinese & english name). As Jamie'Ma previously mentioned, the interviewer will comment the child's performance with parents after that. If they behave well, congratulations. Otherwise, please note the areas which require improvement. You still have at least 1-2 months' time to train up your child. No worry ! Take care and good luck ! Add oil, all KV K3 kids ! Quote: Jamie'Ma 寫道: My girl is an old girl. The Mock Interview is intended for children to prepare for the coming interviews of Primary Schools. So, please do same as a real interview, including dressing and etc. After interviewing the children, parents are invited to classrooms where the Class Teacher will inform you how your kid perform, including manner, smile, knowledge & etc. I thank Kentville for organizing the Mock Interview annually and let my kid well prepared last year. |
mcheung | 2006-09-22 11:37 |
sac.wen thank you............why are u long time no show in K2?? how is yr little son??:-) |
sac.wen | 2006-09-22 11:39 |
Last year, I assigned a BIG-BAG (BB) for the P1-application. Inside the bag I have a F4 folder holding all school rpts, address proof, merits and certs, birth cert etc. (true copy + several photocopies for spare usage if required). Also, my son's photos, several self-addressed stamped-envelopes and neatly-printed address labels.... Besides, I put stationary like scissors, glue stick, blue&black ball pens... in the bag. Everytime I submit the forms, I will preapre another folder to carry all required docs and double check before I go. In addition I will bring this BB along just for in case... (Just share for your reference. I need this "BB" because I am a absent-minded working mom) Hope it helps~ |
sac.wen | 2006-09-22 11:46 |
Dear mcheung, "no show in K2"..................quite busy with my elder son's P1-life. What's more important, you're a very competent and helpful mom to answer all sorts of questions. Really appreciated !!! Anyway, I'll try to stick to that topic more later. "how is yr little son??".......................So far so good. As my maid is on-leave, he lives with my father-&-mother-in-law. Therefore, less to share as only simple phone calls with him everyday. Thanks for your kind concern anyway :cheeze: :cheeze: Send my warmest regards to you and your 2 lovely sons >3< ! Quote: mcheung 寫道: sac.wen thank you............why are u long time no show in K2?? how is yr little son??:-) |
mcheung | 2006-09-22 12:02 |
sac.wen thank you!! I think your elder son will easy to adopt his new school life. :-D Your little son lived with his grandma & granddad, you're so free (no need to check his homework) :-) |
sac.wen | 2006-09-22 12:13 |
you're so free (no need to check his homework).................yes & no. the P1-HW is not as easy and straightforward as I pre-assumed. Quote: mcheung 寫道: sac.wen thank you!! I think your elder son will easy to adopt his new school life. :-D Your little son lived with his grandma & granddad, you're so free (no need to check his homework) :-) |