Re: BB聽力測試

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Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-15 09:31


I can tell from the discussions here that u all are VERY good mom ah! :-D


The simple percussion toys that Daisy found in $10 store are good! They are simple and suitable for babies. When playing them with your babies, u can pair the rhythm with movement (e.g. dance/ shaking head) or with simple songs. Keep it simple at the beginning, one at a time, then introduce another one (e.g. ask elder brother to join in) after babies get the idea.

-Toys that pair auditory feedback with visual, touch and movement sensations;

Yes, u may try to find brightly colour toys with sound (e.g. a red ball with a ding-dong inside) or toys that move with sound (e.g. simple shaky toys with songs)

-Toys with high-pitched or low bass sounds; Toys that are visually interesting and/or offer different auditory feedback; Toy parts that visually direct a child to the ways they can be used

High-pitched like ding-dong. Low-pitched like drum. A good one is a piano with low to high pitches, get lights on if you press the keys, or get a part that jump out if you press.

-Toys with realistic actions, figures and sounds

Negative examples are some animated toys that don't have other indication except for the sound. Also try to avoid toys with cartoon voice, they are not so "realistic"

;-) ;-) ;-)
Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-15 09:38

Check pm la!

Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-15 09:44

I like the $10 UNY Store in CWB too! Things there are simple but useful. Everytime I go back to HK, I shop there and each time spend $2xx.... :chair: :chair: :chair: by my hubby. ;-)
Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-15 09:51
loveyanpig, katmami,

"A central hearing loss cannot be ruled out based on ABR testing…”

It's like a statement by the doctor: there is risk associated with each surgery. It's something that's true, always there and the chance varies.

"Central hearing loss" means anything wrong with the part of the brain beyond the "brainstem", as ABR only tests up to brainstem. Don't worry, it does not imply anything.
Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-15 09:56

Here u go:

This is an audiogram with some familiar sounds , English vowels and consonants putting into it. Remember that the ABR test only indicate how your baby hear at the high frequencies. For the time being, u may ASSUME a flat line across 40 dB (if she has 40 dB loss indicated in the report). Anything above the line are the things she cannot get, anything below the line are the things she can get, in their normal volumes.
loveyanpig | 2005-06-15 12:05

Thanks a lot! Really very helpful & clear!

yanyanma :-D
galslide | 2005-06-15 22:49

Receive the pm la. Many many thanks!! :-D :-D
Your audiogram is also very helpful too!! :-)
DaisyWong | 2005-06-17 23:47
Hi Shiba-Inu,

你記唔記得之前係度張貼咗sandy's story,我睇完之後,寫咗個note比佢,估唔到佢有reply呀。

子喬依家開始咗special training,主要教我哋平時要點樣溝通,暫時佢對聲音都未係100%回應,而家我哋就好似對住粒種子,一日一日嘅灌溉,希望他日可茁壯成大樹啦。

loveyanpig | 2005-06-18 11:45
子喬媽, 子喬,

加油呀! 子喬一定會一日比一日進步! :-D
katmami | 2005-06-20 12:45
Hi, Shiba-Inu,

你嘅圖表好清楚, thanks...我會print埋出嚟比賓姐姐同爸爸睇, 因為佢哋都有同樣嘅疑問 ;-) .....另外你講關於揀玩具嘅資料比起D網上專家具體好多, thanks again!

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