katmami | 2005-06-20 12:56 |
Hi, 子喬媽媽, 我都有睇Sandy's story, 雖然文中好似只輕描淡寫佢嘅經歷(學習上, 工作上), 但好肯定當中佢一定係付出咗比一般人百陪嘅努力才有今天的被人肯定. 所以你都一定要努カ,子喬得嘅!....我早前同囡囡去睇private ENT 時, 個老醫生都鼓勵我話佢讀書時佢好尊敬嘅professor甚至係冇咗一隻耳仔(外觀上), 同失咗一邊聽力, 但係成就就好高....共勉之! katmami ;-) |
katmami | 2005-06-20 13:10 |
Hi, 稚言治語, 係呀, 我大B現正係trouble-2, 又未係好識講嘢, 有時好似好明我哋講乜, 有時又好似好簡單嘅嘢都唔明咁... |
稚言治語 | 2005-06-20 16:45 |
Quote: katmami 寫道: Hi, 稚言治語, 兩歲大B如果好talkative, 會唔會都對弱聽(或者沒有弱聽)的細B的語言發展都有正面影响嘅呢? 因我考慮埋在積極教大B講嘢之餘, 如果可順帶影响埋細B嘅聽力或語言發展就perfect la....唔知可唔可以嘅呢 ?-( 大B多嘢講,對細B嚟講,係好事。不過我諗你最好兩個分開玩好啲﹗大家啱玩嘅嘢唔同嘛﹗ |
NatalieLay | 2005-06-21 22:00 |
yanyanma, 今日去健康院做第二次測試,結果都不合格,要refer to 尤德夫人兒童體能智力測試中心. 今次囡囡做測試時又係唔肯訓,我老公好擔心,我就預左不合格 :-( 平時囡囡對聲音都有反應,唔知點解對個測試就無反應...... 好唔開心,不過都要等再測試結果.... |
NatalieLay | 2005-06-21 22:07 |
Shiba-Inu, Today my baby had the 2nd OAE testing in health centre, but the result is fail again. The doctor refers us to 尤德centre for further testing. I got the reports for the 1st and 2nd OAE testing held in health centre. For the 1st one, 'refer' was marked. But for the 2nd one, 'noise' was marked. What is the meaning of 'noise'? |
loveyanpig | 2005-06-22 10:46 |
Dear NatalieLay, 我絕對明白妳的心情, 因為我yanyan兩個月前情況一樣, fail 左健康院o既OAE test , 都係一次noise(因為yanyan鼻鼾聲太大), 一次refer, 所以轉介去東區, o係東區都係做多一次OAE, 再fail, 於是就轉介耳鼻喉醫生, check check耳仔有無發炎, 多唔多耳垢等, 然後再排期做ABR test(7月初做)! 但我就先去private clinic 做左一次ABR(早兩個星期), check到yanyan有mild hearing loss, 可以早d有心理準備..... 其實妳唔需要太擔心住, 因為都有bb去到醫院做OAE係pass o既, (當然, 我絕對明白唔擔心就假o既!) 如果妳bb對聲音有反應o既, 情況唔會太差, 即使真係有事, 都應該係好mild, 對bb影響唔會太大! 多d上o黎同各位mama分享啦, 我當初都係擔心/傷心到死, 但而家積極樂觀左咁多, 全靠各位bk姊妹o既支持同資料提供咋! May God bless your BB & your family! yanyanma :lol: |
NatalieLay | 2005-06-22 21:25 |
yanyanma, 多謝你!其實係依個forum我都得悉好多相關既資料,等我可以了解多啲. 雖然都係好擔心,不過係bk睇到各位mama既分享同埋祝福,真係覺得好安慰! Anyway, 等7月7日測試後才再打算啦! :-| |
katmami | 2005-06-23 10:37 |
Hi, NatalieLay, 係呀! BK真係可以話係陪住我生兩個小朋友ga! 我由剛怀第一胎開始成日上BK, 真係乜疑問都可以揾倒相關Forum ga! 由怀B時唔舒服呀...至生BB後一切日常需要, 乜都係响BK度揾意見ga!....仲識咗一D好nice, 好helpful 嘅媽咪.....甚至約出嚟見過面添!....(我老公話我仲"潮"過時下玩line D後生仔女!:-? ) 所以BK一有乜故障我就好唔安樂, 好似若有所失咁..... :mrgreen: 咦?乜你下次去做Test又係七月七日? 乜所有政府醫院都係同一日做同一類Test嘅? :-? (因為我同yanyanma都係!!!!!) Anyway, 先 |
loveyanpig | 2005-06-23 17:13 |
NatalieLay, 係啦! 又係7月7日咁"橋"o既! 不過我而家轉左去QM(如果唔係7/7可能會見到妳呢!!), 排左7月8日做ABR, 好彩排得好快, 亦唔係好似之前東區個醫生所講要重頭做過所有的test, 而且唔洗收私家費用tim! 一切都咁順利, 真係好開心! 放心啦! 妳同bb都會一切順利架! (呢兩日好大雨, 又行雷閃電, yanyan試過俾雷聲嚇醒/嚇喊呢!) :-D :-D yanyanma |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-24 00:51 |
Hi :wave:, Have not been here for a while, don't know why BK did not allow me to login as me last week .... :ranting: Natalielay, The statement I used most in this forum is "Don't worry too much and too soon". OAE is a screening test and it's a wide net hopefully to catch all with hearing loss (no matter mild or severe). However this net occasionally catches some babies with normal hearing too...;-) So wait for the results of the diagnostic test (ABR) and see. The two terms in the OAE referral form refer to different things: "Refer" is the action required and "Noise" is the reason why your baby failed. "Noise" is a problem because OAE is recording very tiny little echo from the ear, if baby or the background is too noisy, the noise will mask out the recording if there is any. Katmami, "你講關於揀玩具嘅資料比起D網上專家具體好多" One of the very enjoyable part of working with kids is to go and shop for toys and then enjoy playing those simple staff with them! :lalala: |