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mcheung | 2006-09-24 18:36

i will let my son to apply St. Francis. This is a good school & English standard is quite high..........my nephew graduated from this school. Don't worry too much about the interview. That is not difficult for Kentville's kids :-) :-)

pls check e-mail.
tinatam | 2006-09-24 22:44
For KV students , they need to sit at school for 3 hrs la... I think they have a good training at school. 30mins for eash subjects. Last year , the KV mum told me our kids can do the test and the papers are same as our school.

The vacants seats are not many, may be they will get the higher marks students.

I like the Church because it is very big and nice, school is quite old! :cry:
tinatam | 2006-09-24 23:45
When will they have a dictation?
Ms Poon at K2, told me K3 sys is more hard and fast. I need to join tuitor course, please recomand which campus is good for KV kids?
:cry: :cry:
tinatam | 2006-09-24 23:46
me too, I need to buy new PE uniform too :-P
tinatam | 2006-09-24 23:49
On friday afternoon, who will go to ocean park after interview. May be we can have fun after interview :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint:

tinatam | 2006-09-24 23:52
let us relax and have a tea gathering......Who want to join?
I need to take a leave for work so take a break to have fun :-D :-D :-D :-D :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint:
tsztsz | 2006-09-25 10:07
我收到女拔面試日期3-10-06, 有無人同我一日呀?
cslam | 2006-09-25 13:48
我個仔今年o係3G,班主任係Miss Lam。

mcheung | 2006-09-25 13:50
Hi cslam

my son's class also is 3G........... :wave: :wave:
phoebel | 2006-09-25 17:21
今朝我已經交咗表喇, 申請人嘅身份証係唔需要副本嘅, 而睇到住址証明嘅時候, 啲老師會問住咗幾耐? 有個媽咪嘅租約學校話唔承認, 佢哋話佢張租約係係書局買嘅, 呢隻租約係唔接受, 學校要佢攞其他嘅証明, 例如稅單...

寶貝豬豬媽咪 寫道:
嘩...................原來全部都要交埋copies, 好彩有你咋..... :adore: :adore: :adore: Quote:
mcheung 寫道:
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