洋澄湖 | 2006-11-16 00:58 |
Cyrus123: Pls check pm. |
Elsamouse | 2006-11-16 09:03 |
尋日遠孜得一張中文字功課要做,其他班係埋都一樣? 唔通宜家開始溫習,唔教新野? :roll: |
TinaMummy | 2006-11-16 09:07 |
My daughter said she did Chinese assessment on Tue and there was no assessment yesterday. Finally, she said she had changed the group and table yesterday. :-? I'm not sure it's true or not :-o Quote: janetlo 寫道: Any one know if they have already started the assessment? But my daughter said no, and she said she is doing some art work at school today. :-? |
carriechan | 2006-11-16 09:39 |
唔係喎, 我呀仔話俾我聽有評估, 要連線, 問上 |
Tiggie | 2006-11-16 09:41 |
Hi yanniecheung, This morning i got a call from Kentville that they want my girl to have a 2nd interview. Ours will be on the coming Sat 10:30. how about yours? Tiggie |
Central | 2006-11-16 09:42 |
yanniecheung 好視乎個家長同個小朋友,我囝囝都唔係大仔,9月中先至出世既。Quote: yanniecheung 寫道: Hi, Tiggie & Central, 剛收到kv通知, 我仔要second interview, 表現唔好, 其實我仔Oct 04 出細, 他講話都唔清, 如果是咁 |
Tiggie | 2006-11-16 09:43 |
Elsamouse, 2J 都係得一張中文字功課要做咋. |
Central | 2006-11-16 09:47 |
Tiggie 阿囡答得唔錯bor,可能之前佢要d時間warm up下 |
Central | 2006-11-16 09:49 |
Cyrus123 | 2006-11-16 10:17 |
洋澄湖/Shelia: :wave: Pls. check PM. |