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yanniecheung | 2006-11-16 10:40
The teacher ask my son, who's yr mother?
where is yr mouth & hair, then give him a picture, pointed a lamp, what is this, etc.........
all is no answer for him, just look at outside.

PS: tigger, see yr pm!!!!!

COMET | 2006-11-16 13:08
Hi TinaMummy,

聽囝囝說他們是調了位, 你囡囡好似坐在他的對面。 :wave: :wave:

TinaMummy 寫道:
My daughter said she did Chinese assessment on Tue and there was no assessment yesterday. Finally, she said she had changed the group and table yesterday. :-? I'm not sure it's true or not :-o

| 2006-11-16 13:52
Tiggie and Yanniecheung,

你們那麼快就有音訊啦 ? 慘啦 ! 我個女細聲到聽唔到, 現在都冇音訊 :-( Good luck ! 再努力呢 !

Tiggie 寫道:
Hi yanniecheung,

This morning i got a call from Kentville that they want my girl to have a 2nd interview. Ours will be on the coming Sat 10:30. how about yours?


kmylau | 2006-11-16 13:59
我個囡(k2G) 話星期三做左英文paper, 今日星期四要帶乾淨無味道既益力多樽返學, 遲d做金魚手工.
今日仲要帶圖書返去, 上次都系星期四叫小朋友帶返學還.

janetlo 寫道:
Any one know if they have already started the assessment? But my daughter said no, and she said she is doing some art work at school today.

yanniecheung | 2006-11-16 14:50

請問你知唔知小拔男女校, 是不是新小拔.
有MUD分別, 由政府資助, 是不是又入係好難考?
因我想揀男女校 + 政府資助, 又無頭緒? :-?
sheliawychan | 2006-11-16 15:03

Pls kindly check the reply pm..
| 2006-11-16 15:04

我大少傷左兩隻手指, 寫字手震震, 他話要學 Jeff, 因為他兩隻手都能寫字的, 真有其事嗎 ?

:-D :-D
mcheung | 2006-11-16 15:06
小拔男女校係津貼, 即人叫old 小拔, 今年先改男女校, free school fee, but it is not easy to get the place from 小拔男女校, because this school just has 2 classes P1 only.

新小拔係男校, 直資 need to pay school fee ($3,800 / per month), 可直上男拔!

yanniecheung 寫道:

請問你知唔知小拔男女校, 是不是新小拔.
有MUD分別, 由政府資助, 是不是又入係好難考?
因我想揀男女校 + 政府資助, 又無頭緒? :-?

ArgusMum | 2006-11-16 16:17
我想問下係咪而家已經可以換季架啦 :-? :-?
tkmama | 2006-11-16 16:39
今日得閒送仔仔返學, 問開老師做完 [評估] 未? 老師話 K2 是每日做一科, 今日是最後一日, 考中文. 唔知其它班是否一樣? (我仔仔是 K2N 的)
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