Re: BB聽力測試

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DaisyWong | 2005-07-07 17:38
Hi wingmanBB,

你份人都幾風趣,令我地e道生氣不少 :-)

想問問,你bb有冇做人工耳蝸手術 ? 平日聽講都應付自如嗎 ?
是否在正常學校(not 聽礙學校)學習 ?


Shiba-Inu | 2005-07-08 10:10

How's the 2nd ABR results done today?

"今日睇睇吓雜誌竟然見到你個名!!!!----Shiba-Inu 柴犬! "

;-) ;-) ;-) So u know my "real" identity now!!! I love kids and I love dogs, that's why I worked with kids and adopted a dog!

" 又係果句--先不用太担心, 待做咗測試先再打算啦..."

Thank you for expression my favourite comment in Chinese, we need to put it somewhere on top of our forum here! :lol:


"我的BB也是做了三次OAE TEST FAILED, 現在7/7會做腦電波測試(兒童智能發展中心), 很難過, 又擔心,這段時間, 人也變的很易哭.但我平時觀察他, 他是聽到的.也能辨別聲音方向的來源,大聲,小聲, 高頻(鈴聲),低頻(拍手,關門)的都聽到... "

Don't worry, tell us the ABR (ie.腦電波測試) results after u got it and we will see how to help your kid! Some mom here also went through the same path and after sharing, things are clearer and not as grey as they initially seem to be.
Shiba-Inu | 2005-07-08 10:37

How's your decision about auditory training? Have u looked thro' the information I pm u? Or alternatively u can still practise what u have learnt in the earlier lessons, since your baby is still little, the most important thing to do is to continue a normal communication with her.


If I remember correctly, u have been leaving messages here before, telling us that your baby has also gone thro' OAE and ABR?? :-? However, I cannot recall what's the results, is it something like "one out of three frequencies fails but the doctor said it's perfectly OK"??? Tell us more to see if he/ she really needs further testing.

From your descriptions, it seems that your baby has not used special names with the objects/ person yet. However, timeline for speech development really varies a lot, even in normal hearing kids. As he/ she is now 15 months, it's still not very "unacceptable".

I know 稚言治語 has a document to teach parents how to improve communication in kids. u may want to ask her and try it out. Right, 稚言治語? ;-)
Shiba-Inu | 2005-07-08 10:49

What a cute name that u have!

Hearing loss can be inborn or acquired: the US statistics shows that one child in 1000 is born with profound HL, while an additional two in 1000 will acquire it in early childhood due to different reasons.

I agree that speech delay in kids may or may not be caused by hearing loss. However, if CAC refers your son for a hearing test, it’s a good way to exclude its possibility of blocking the normal speech input. When will the test be done?


未懂說話 means no spontaneous words at all, or babbles with “baby language”? Can he follow your instructions in daily life (without other cues)? :-?
bb2005hk | 2005-07-08 11:17
HI, Shiba-Inu
NatalieLay | 2005-07-08 12:59

My baby girl has the same problem with yours. We just have the third OAE testing in 兒童智能發展中心 and fail again. We need to wait till Sept or Oct to have further testing (ABR). We are very worry at first, but we find she has response to diff. sound level in daily life (same to your baby), so now what we can do is wait for further testing.
Don't worry. Here there are many mums showing support to us. :wave:
NatalieLay | 2005-07-08 13:30
Hi...all BK mums,

My lovely baby failed the third OEA test again. She will be arranged to have ABR test in Sept or Oct. Actually, we always find that she has response to different sound in daily life. Though it is not a good news to us but we do believe my baby is ok for the sound. Even though she has problem in hearing, it should be a mild one. ;-)

yanyanmum & Jackieckw: what is your result for ABR?

joysywong | 2005-07-08 14:55
My baby will be one month old soon and I brought her to the health center for hearing test three days ago. Her left ear failed and the re-test will be conducted on 20 July. At that moment, I just can't help crying. I was extremely worry that my little baby will have hearing problem. I cannot wait until 20 July and will bring her to Canossa Hospital for hearing test tomorrow morning. Hoping that my baby will pass the test tomorrow. From my daily observation, sometime it seems that she can hear as she will follow the person who is speaking. However, she can sleep well even though there was thunder and noisy sound caused by construction work nearby. I don't know isn't it because my baby is too small. I am very confused and worried. I don't know what I can do if my baby failed the test tomorrow. I am not dare to think of it! :oops:
katmami | 2005-07-08 15:26

我囡囡咋天作了第二次ABR測試...(哈, 佢好攪鬼, 原本佢係瞓咗覺豬ga, 但在戴上headphone同電子儀器後, 可能有聲啩, 佢忽然醒咗, 但係冇扭來扭去噃, 竟然自己好安靜咁瞓响張床度唱歌仔...仲越唱越大聲添...:-) ) 最後飲咗奶又瞓番嘞...得出test嘅結果好似比第一次好咗D ---兩边耳仔都係30左右"條線開始唔靚"(上月測試係右耳25-35, 左耳45-55)...我比個技師睇上一次個report(我未見倒医生, 尼位
都可能只係姑娘), 佢仔細睇完後話測試結果大致上算係差不多, 因為QM的standard應係比私家的較寬鬆...要睇月尾再見醫生先知有乜suggestion. (唉, 又要再等月尾...不過已有心理預備了....)

但老實說, 我有信心, 我囡囡已經有好多進步...佢最近D嬰兒話係有好多音調上嘅变化的, 仲時大聲時細声咁...好明顯係佢覺得咁樣好有趣囉!... ;-)

其他媽媽呢? 結果如何?有冇好消息?

loveyanpig | 2005-07-08 23:09
各位bk 好mama,

yanyan也是昨日做了第二次ABR Test (東區), 結果同上次差不多, 也是mild hearing loss.(幸好yanyan好好訓, 所以不用sedation!!) 然後今天我們去了QM見了又專業又好好人的許醫生, 他參考了yanyan所有的reports, 便安排yanyan九月初再做多次ABR test, 他說BB太小, 一定要做多幾次test, 直至有幾次consistent的result才可確定bb hearing loss的程度! 希望一切順利啦!
:-D :-D :-D

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