| 2006-09-26 12:56 |
星期天, 跟亞囝默寫中英文, 他已把過去一周所學的東西忘記七成,旿天,放工後, 又要練琴,又想他早睡,沒有時間跟他默書,今天的表現,我不敢想像,唉! |
mcheung | 2006-09-26 13:39 |
pls check yr yahoo e-mail......... ;-) Quote: TeresaMom 寫道: dear mcheng, thanks for your opinion. BTW, I cant find your p.m.. pl. send it to me again,thx! |
3lamma | 2006-09-26 18:01 |
dollhouse | 2006-09-26 20:17 |
原來下星期才開始默書, 實在太好了!!! |
PACMA | 2006-09-26 21:04 |
3lamma, 我仔仔都係話今日(K3R)冇默書喎. 好彩你問咗老師, 唔係我重以為要默sentance, 仲擔心緊阿仔識唔哂D字. |
konglisali | 2006-09-26 23:03 |
3lamma, 我個女讀上午班, 佢話有默書喎 ! 佢仲話老師說有15個小朋友啱曬....... (都唔知真定假 ???) |
konglisali | 2006-09-26 23:05 |
3lamma, 我個女讀上午班, 佢話有默書喎 ! 佢仲話老師說有15個小朋友啱曬....... (都唔知真定假 ???) |
tinatam | 2006-09-27 00:16 |
oic. B , my son told me got B in eng & math and very happy , so he asked me to buy a toy car for him. But chinese is so hart for me too. Hahha. May be we - parents will get C- :-) :-) :-) :-) |
tinatam | 2006-09-27 00:22 |
Will teacher ask them to write the old words? I think we would better write a daily with kids everyday, let them remember all old words and create new sentence.... Mental seems diff now. no full mark la.....manner mistake. How to train them? the answer sheet is no question and who know what the question of mental 1-10? :fighting1: :fighting1: :fighting1: |
tinatam | 2006-09-27 00:30 |
I think all the exe book sentence will dict. such as My name is Nicholas Mui, I am five years old, I am a boy. Father is a man, Mother has a baby, A baby likes milk, Mother is a woman, Teacher is Ms Lam,xxxx a log of wood, I have a basket. boy, girl, man, father, monther, baby teacher, woman, one to ten. 2nd week, bag box key basket wood brush....... Chinese dict, I dont know.......pls advise :giveup: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup: |