Re: BB聽力測試

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loveyanpig | 2005-07-08 23:26

放心吧! 我相信妳bb的情況和我yanyan & katmami的bb很類似, 可能只是很mild的hearing loss, 正如我之前所說, "小小的不完美, 會令孩子更積極"!


我也很明白妳的心情, 大部分上這個forum的mama也曾經經歷妳這階段, 也曾經為自己bb的聽覺問題擔心和難過, 但我恭喜妳找到這個forum, 因為這兒有很多好mama和專業的聽力治療師與妳一同渡過這難關, 而不是妳自己一個人面對! (似唔似賣廣告?? :-o )

稚言治語 | 2005-07-09 01:03
katmami 寫道:
(我未見倒医生, 尼位都可能只係姑娘)

katmami | 2005-07-09 03:09
Hi, 稚言治語,

Yes, she did.... Then that means she's an audiologist la??... But why she didn't give me very "Confirmed" statement and always "Need to wait for comment from ENT doctor??..." -- Is this always the statement for staff under the level of doctor in the hospital?? :-? :-?

katmami | 2005-07-09 03:13

"......但我恭喜妳找到這個forum, 因為這兒有很多好mama和專業的聽力治療師與妳一同渡過這難關, 而不是妳自己一個人面對!"---- It is very right! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

All BK mums,

Always hope for the best la... :-D

joysywong | 2005-07-09 12:59
My baby did the hearing test at Canossa Hospital this morning. Both her ears were pass!!! I am relieved now. Thank you for all your support! :lol:
NatalieLay | 2005-07-09 16:55
Katmami and yanyanma,

Which private clinic did you carry the ABR test with your baby? How much is it?
I asked 唯聽 and the charge is $900.
We decide to bring my baby to private clinic because we don't want to wait till Sept.


稚言治語 | 2005-07-09 18:39
katmami 寫道:
Yes, she did.... Then that means she's an audiologist la??... But why she didn't give me very "Confirmed" statement and always "Need to wait for comment from ENT doctor??..." -- Is this always the statement for staff under the level of doctor in the hospital?? :-? :-?

其實不同的醫院會有不同做法(每間院都有自己嘅culture嘛﹗),亦可能和人有關。據我所知,威院的聽力學家很願意自己解釋給家長聽。不過香港的醫院,還是比較"以醫生主導"。以言語治療師為例,有部分醫院的ST直接隸屬某個專科,例如耳鼻喉、兒科、內科等,各言語治療部主管每年的SDR(工作表現評核)是由醫生做的,即直接向該醫生負責。另一些醫院(通常較"年輕"﹗)的言語治療師,則由"專職醫療經理"負責(GM - Paramedical)。所以每間院會有不同的做法。
jackieckw | 2005-07-09 21:44
Shiba-Inu, 各bk moms and dads,

謝謝各位的關心. 要不是這段時間得到你們的支持和意見, 真的不知如何熬得過.ABR TEST 的結果算是不幸中之大幸, 孩子的情況是左右耳的聽覺較一般的孩子差了一點點. 聽力學家以很輕微來形容. 她說ABR TEST只作找出大問題之用,數據得出左右耳的聽力只能去到35-40分貝,她說這不是大問題,與正常相比的分別也不會很大.她亦指出這測試也不是百分之百準確,所以4個月後會做VRA TEST(行為評估),希望沒有記錯名字吧!她說結合這個測試,得出的結果會較立體和可靠,亦可以找出一些具體的小問題.她說VRA TEST得出來的結果有機會比這個好,就算最差可能都是跟ABR TEST 一樣,所以不用擔心,因以目前的情況看,不會影響他的學習與溝通.


Shiba-Inu | 2005-07-10 02:17

It's good news that your baby only has mild hearing loss for both ears! Really can be described as 不幸中之大幸 ! ;-)


- if the first ABR result shows clear and "clean" lines, it's really not necessary to try it the 2nd time. Wait until he/ she can do the VRA test (yeah, u remember the name correctly! :mrgreen: ) is a good idea to confirm the results.


- cut and paste from my previous message:

This is an audiogram with some familiar sounds , English vowels and consonants putting into it. Remember that the ABR test only indicate how your baby hear at the high frequencies . For the time being, u may ASSUME a flat line across 35 dB (if she has 35 dB loss indicated in the report). Anything above the line are the things she cannot get, anything below the line are the things she can get, in their normal volumes.

Shiba-Inu | 2005-07-10 02:28

Congratulation! :-D The load has finally been relieved! :lol:


If u want to ask some more private clinics for their ABR service, give me your email address and I can email u a list of possible choices.
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