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ChunMaMa | 2005-11-12 12:58

Can you ask your friend then?


bowling68 寫道:
you can go CKY to see how many groups today, then X group x 30 candidtates. ^_^

at least my friend's boy interview this morning.

m82028628 | 2005-11-12 13:14
My boy just interviewed a 10:45. He is very happy after the interview because he got a candy from school. :-)
塞曼莎 | 2005-11-12 22:22
Yes, all Kids should be very happy....Candy :-)

But, not for Parents :-(
keikeimama | 2005-11-12 22:31
We are at the 10:45am interview as well. The teacher said there are about 1200 applicants, and less than half will enter second interview. :-?
塞曼莎 | 2005-11-12 22:33
50/50, it is not too bad
塞曼莎 | 2005-11-12 22:36
Did the teacher ask you any special question?

I don't but feel it is only a reference check.
mummybear | 2005-11-12 22:40
my girl interview at 1:15pm and she was so happy when she finished the interview. (May be because of the candy she've got) The size of the class is pretty good, only got 28-29 per class. My girl like CCS before but she told me this is her favorite one after today's interview. :cheeze:
BeBeJ | 2005-11-13 17:44
The person interviewed us parents in my room yesterday said he's a 義工家長, no teacher was present at all time. Any parent had the same experience?
bowling68 | 2005-11-13 18:45
we were interviewed on 05/12 02:45pm. and the parent interviewed should be conducted by 1 teacher + 1 義工家長, and same as next desk. I think it is for reference only.

BeBeJ | 2005-11-13 20:08
In my group, the 義工家長 did the interview, he had an assistant who did not pay much attention to what was going on. I think she's a clerk. Since the 義工家長 did the interview, I have to agree that the interview was for the purpose of collecting information.
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