cslam | 2006-09-27 11:11 |
mcheung, 我個仔叫Bryan, 你個仔叫咩名? |
mcheung | 2006-09-27 11:14 |
Hi cslam my son is Edric........ ;-) |
cslam | 2006-09-27 11:15 |
Quote: dollhouse 寫道: 原來下星期才開始默書, 實在太好了!!! 點解琴日我見到佢派左張紙,上面有two, four, eight, father, mother, tea...... ,應該係默書紙,我問佢乜教左tea 咩,佢話係 teacher......咁即係唔識串啦,佢仲話Miss Lam 叫佢要多d串生字...... |
cslam | 2006-09-27 11:20 |
Quote: mcheung 寫道: Hi cslam my son is Edric........ ;-) 等我返去問下亞仔先,你有無揍佢返學o架?Bryan 就坐校車返,過去兩年我都未同過佢返學,當然除左開學同家長日啦。佢成日同我講d同學仔媽咪成日同佢地返,佢都好想喎,其實我都好想,不過做唔到。 |
mcheung | 2006-09-27 11:38 |
cslam my son also take a school bus. I'm a working mami, so no more time to pick up my son from/to school. :oops: At the first school day, i didn't accompany with my son to went to school due to my busy work. |
cslam | 2006-09-27 15:04 |
Hi mcheung, Sorry 攪錯左添,真係唔好意思。 我 |
mcheung | 2006-09-27 15:46 |
cslam just asked my son that he know your son........pls check pm for my son's Chinese name :-) |
dollhouse | 2006-09-27 16:32 |
我個仔話老師講下星期三要默中文, 而英文亦沒有默, 我想是下星期會正式默, 但今個星期就視乎個別老師與他們溫習與否. Quote: cslam 寫道: Quote: dollhouse 寫道: 原來下星期才開始默書, 實在太好了!!! 點解琴日我見到佢派左張紙,上面有two, four, eight, father, mother, tea...... ,應該係默書紙,我問佢乜教左tea 咩,佢話係 teacher......咁即係唔識串啦,佢仲話Miss Lam 叫佢要多d串生字...... ?-( |
| 2006-09-27 18:34 |
囝囝說旿天默寫英文,他忘記teacher 怎樣串,相信明天是默中文了吧! |
tinatam | 2006-09-27 21:29 |
Why did my son tell me he got a dict today and two mistakes....? Diff class is diff standard? Yesterday, he told me he had eng dict. He got a result of mental on mondy yet. |