NatalieLay | 2005-07-10 15:45 |
Shiba-Inu, My e-mail is as follows: [email protected]. Thanks so much. Natalie |
loveyanpig | 2005-07-10 17:09 |
Dear NatalieLay, 我的yanyan也是在唯聽做ABR test的, 雖然不太便宜, 但那兒的audiologist很有耐性, 而且可以慢慢做, 慢慢問, 而不像政府那樣, 十問九不答(起碼我曾有此遭遇), 所以如果經濟許可的話, 不妨先做一次private的test, 反正又不用安眠藥, 對bb沒有影響! yanyanma |
katmami | 2005-07-11 09:29 |
Hi, NatalieLay, Me, too! My baby also did the ABR test at 唯聽! And I agree that the audiologist there was very nice! Katmami |
katmami | 2005-07-11 09:31 |
Hi, Joyswong, Congratulations! Katmami :-D |
katmami | 2005-07-11 09:32 |
Hi, jackieckw, Let's try our best to support our beloved babies! They need our love and care! Katmami :-P |
katmami | 2005-07-11 09:41 |
Hi, 稚言治語, I think, this is always my complaint towards public hospital -- always ask you to wait, low flexibility.... 8-) 8-) 8-) katmami |
NatalieLay | 2005-07-11 10:50 |
Katmami & yanyanma, 我已經book左30/7於唯聽做ABR test. 希望今次BB可以pass. Thanks for your support. Natalie |
jackieckw | 2005-07-11 10:56 |
hi, Katmami, I agree with you. I wonder why your baby need the consultation from ENT doctor, and my baby only need the consultation from the audiologist? By the way, why your baby did the ABR test in the hospital, and my baby did it in the 兒童智力體能發展中心? Sometimes I don't understand the system of the 衛生署. |
DaisyWong | 2005-07-12 19:02 |
Hi 稚言治語, 想問一問之前社工有提及子喬去做智能評估, 我同兒科醫生講, 佢同子喬簡單咁test |
katmami | 2005-07-15 09:20 |
Hi, Daisy, ".....但有時佢好專心食玩具..." :-) :-) :-) 係呀, 形容得好好, 我囡囡都係好專心食ga! 我囡囡五個多月大啦, 朝朝早瞓醒覺時就好似雞啼咁--唱歌仔唱到叫我哋起身咁(仲幾有韻律添, 有起伏, 有停頓ga! :-) :-) ) 我諗我同賓姐姐都好鐘意唱歌仔佢聽, 所以佢就學囉! :-P 咁子喬對聽歌仔嘅反應係點? katmami |