katmami | 2005-07-15 09:42 |
Hi, jackieckw, 係la, D政府所謂嘅"分家"呀, "資源分配"呀....諸如此類嘅問題真係好難明白...(咁衛生署又同醫管局有冇關係呢?) :-? 有冇人知道可以略略講吓呢? Thanks.. Katmami |
jackieckw | 2005-07-15 12:16 |
hi, Katmami and Daisy, 我的bb 都是喜歡在早上剛起床的時候唱歌仔, 唱得很大聲, 會把我們吵醒, 亦有高低音, 愛發"呀" 和"烏"的音, 你們的是不是一樣呢, :-o :-o |
稚言治語 | 2005-07-15 18:33 |
Quote: DaisyWong 寫道: Hi 稚言治語, 想問一問之前社工有提及子喬去做智能評估, 我同兒科醫生講, 佢同子喬簡單咁test |
DaisyWong | 2005-07-16 01:14 |
Hi 稚言治語, 謝謝, 我已check pm. 如果去做評估, 特別for語言發展, 子喬應該幾大做呢? 因為子喬平日唔太多出聲, or都只係"ur ur"聲. 又兒童體能智力測驗中心係邊度? 政府定私家? 收費多少? (之前我問過協康,但都冇特別服務for弱聽小朋友) 唔好意思咁多問題 :adore: :adore: :adore: 但都唔明點解政府醫生咁樣做嘢方法,好多時都係我地主動提問, 好彩我地meet到d nice朋友幫忙,否則唔知點樣好. 子喬媽上 |
DaisyWong | 2005-07-16 01:26 |
Hi jackieckw & Katmami, 我bb似乎鐘意"食嘢"多過講嘢(一口不能二用嗎). 不過扭計時就勁多聲氣. :giveup: :giveup: :giveup: |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-07-19 08:23 |
Hi all moms, Have been so busy recently! Both in my office and in fighting against the bureaucracy in a big university in LA here! So don't think that bureaucracy in the HK hospitals or HK government is severe; in fact it happens in any big organization around the world!!!! :angryfire: Katmami, jackieckw, So good that your babies enjoy singing! I think singing songs is the best exercise they can get. When they listen to your singings, they learn new speech sounds and rhyme, and they enjoy it. And when they themselves sing, they learn how to monitor their own voices. Have u tried songs with actions like "head and shoulder", "wheels on the bus"? They will just love it! :lalala: :lalala: :lalala: |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-07-19 08:38 |
Daisy, Yes, I agree that it's really expensive to get private training for 子喬. It's partially governed by the "supply and demand" theory - the demand is just very low in HK, so not many people are experienced on that. However, I do not quite understand why the inspector in EMB is not seeing her on a regular basis. :-? It used to be the case that EMB was the one that provide training for all HI kids in Hong Kong (at least at the time when I was still working there). The content of the training will be exactly what 稚言治語 has mentioned. Since 子喬 is supposed to be followed up by EMB, CAC will not provide any ST service to her. On the other hand, don't worry about speech assessment for the time being, because her "hearing age" is only 2-3 months, there is nothing to be assessed yet. If the inspector in EMB is not providing any training to u and 子喬; and u really want to get some guidance, I can help u to contact a retired inspector I know of who is experienced and really good. However, that may need some time and I don't know whether she is interested in the idea of private training or not. :roll: |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-07-19 08:41 |
稚言治語, Is the audiologist u mentioned a 他 or 她? Give me more hints so that I know who's the one! :-P |
稚言治語 | 2005-07-19 10:59 |
Quote: DaisyWong 寫道: Hi 稚言治語, 1. 如果去做評估, 特別for語言發展, 子喬應該幾大做呢? 2. 兒童體能智力測驗中心係邊度? 政府定私家? 收費多少?3. 之前我問過協康,但都冇特別服務for弱聽小朋友 1. 語言評估於兩歲左右進行比較好。 2. 每一區都有。香港區只有一間,在大口環,是屬於醫管局的(九龍及新界區的則屬衛生署),需醫生轉介。收費和其他醫院一樣,首次會面100元,其後60元。不過正如Shiba-Inu所說,因子喬已有EMB跟進,他們未必有服務給你。即使有,弱聽兒童服務也不是他們的專長。 3. 可以試問香港聾人福利促進會,他們也有提供收費的訓練。 |
稚言治語 | 2005-07-19 11:02 |
Quote: Shiba-Inu 寫道: Is the audiologist u mentioned a 他 or 她? Give me more hints so that I know who's the one! :-P 是個她呢﹗p小姐和k字頭個靚仔一樣,既是我的同班同學(讀言語治療時),也是你的同班同學﹗所以可以推斷,同我哋一樣咁正﹗ :-) :-) (估到了吧﹗) btw,香港就嚟有套電影上畫,叫"老友狗狗",主角是隻柴犬啊﹗ |