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SeeBaMad | 2005-12-04 00:51
Dear Parents,
Have a topic to discuss here. I agree with kunggi201 that IB is the future trend for HK education. But one of the famous post-secondary school in HK called Li Po Chun (李寶椿聯合世界書院) only provide IB course for HKCEE top students. The famous universities in UK and US will come to HK every year to select graduate students from this school. Question is should we put our children in a famous traditional school in HK first to become top students (hopefully) or in a new-style school like CKY who claims it will go for IB after grade 10? My worry is do the children in new-style school have the abilities academically to cope with the difficult subjects in IB. For 尖子, they are proved. But for the new-style one, not yet in HK. I am struggling this. Could anyone comment and discuss? Thx.
Paris | 2005-12-04 10:12
李寶椿take top students from traditional and international schools. Top students can have the ability to get high IB score in whatever college they study, 李寶椿,ESF, CKY, CIS....etc.

The point is : do you believe CKY will train your child to become a top student in future. This is a big issue and they are many threads in BK to discuss the pros and cons of traditional and the new style school. If you are confident in the school, you don't need to get a good result in HKCEE (in fact there will be no HKCEE starting from 2008) to prove your child has the abilities academically in order to study IB.
<>If you have such a worry, then you better put your child in traditional school. Otherwise you will be very uncomfortable with the teaching method of the school and suspect if your child has the academic stardard as other kids in traditional school in the next 10 odd years.
rhythmwawa | 2005-12-05 10:25
Dear SeeBaMad,

我同意Paris的講法, 其實作為父母都希望小朋友未來的路是好平坦, 而非崎嶇不平. 作為選擇CKY的家長, 我們都是希望小朋友在愉快而沒有壓力之下學習, 未來的香港教育, 我真的看不到會變成怎麼樣? 高官們只會高高在上的說那些白話, 試問他們那一個孩子不是急急已送往外國讀書?

在傳統學校就讀, 對!!! "只要你是尖子", 你便有機會成為搶手學生, 但緊記, 你要成為"尖子", 當中的十多年學校生活中, 你要打過多少的仗才能成為"尖子", 當中所承受的壓力是否真的值得?

在我來看, 小朋友從小能夠培養出喜歡閱讀及學習, 做任何事都是主動的, 懂得如何處理難題, 其實有何問題?

voasia | 2005-12-17 00:02
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howto | 2005-12-20 16:39

可以給我 PM 你的 FTP 網址和密碼嗎

Thanks a lot

voasia | 2005-12-20 23:36
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howto | 2005-12-21 16:34

thank you very much!!!

ChristyMamie | 2005-12-23 21:33
dear all,

anyone knows when will be informed the result by post?

chchmammy | 2005-12-24 09:36
I called the school on Thursday and they said the result will only be available in January. I don't understand why they take so long.

BBCMum | 2005-12-25 10:33
對cky的印象開始有d覺得麻麻,2nd int 的時間一推再推,如果現在話公布結果的時間又要再推明年,間學校作風似乎真係太鬆,連咁公開的事務,校長及職員都好似無discipline,你話d學生點算! 剩係靠讀得開心唔夠wor。
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