3lamma | 2006-10-04 00:15 |
Do you know some songs in K3. Tinatam, My son sang this song 'hello hello hello hello we are pleased to meet you, we are glad to see you, hello hello hello hello' He also sang the rhyme 'the piper's son'. I think he didn't get the lyrics quite right because the grammar is wrong..... |
3lamma | 2006-10-04 10:36 |
有興趣的kv家長, 我兒子join開游泳, 教練很好, 年青, 鍾意小朋友, 由玩到training都很好, 由於小組在summer後人數少了, 我不想private學, 因沒有friend及competition游1hr, 不好玩, 有興趣一起玩便pm我, 地點: 九龍公園游泳池 時間: 逢週五晚上8-9時(10月開始) 費用: $120/堂 (加入場費$9) 家長倍同在池邊要自費($19), 否則由教練由門口帶, 在看台看小朋友(我是這樣做的) |
claudi-mama | 2006-10-04 17:29 |
大家好, 新o黎報到。 mcheung 寫道: KatherineYeung (Tsz Yu) ------K3A Alison Chan --------------------K3D Kwing-hei-----------------------K3D Sin Man-------------------------K3E Hiu Wing------------------------K3E Edric Ng-------------------------K3G Kylie Wong----------------------K3G Matthew Fong------------------K3G chun chun-----------------------K3G Nicholas Mui---------------------K3G Henry Lee-----------------------K3H panchu -------------------------K3I Alice Chung---------------------K3J Sin Lok------------------------- K3J Scott Lam----------------------K3J Sam Lam-----------------------K3J L.T. Kock------------------------K3K Rkan's daughter ----------------K3L Jasmine Lam -------------------K3M tsztsz---------------------------K3N Kiky -----------------------------K3O Eureka Ling --------------------- K3O Kristie Cheung ------------------K3P Toby ----------------------------K3P Tsz Sum ------------------------K3R Monte Ng------------------------K3R PACMA --------------------------K3R Gloria Lau -----------------------K3R 3lamma--------------------------K3R 寶貝豬豬媽咪 ---------------------K3S Nicky Lau -----------------------K3S Timothy Lai ---------------------K3S aumom -------------------------K3S Sum Hang ----------------------K3S claudi-mama ------------------- K3S |
claudi-mama | 2006-10-04 17:32 |
Timothy Lai My daughter's first new friend is Timothy Lai in K3S. :-) :-) claudi-mama |
tinatam | 2006-10-04 20:48 |
Today my son have a interview at St. Paul Co-ed, I heard the teacher called my name while I just arrived there. I though she was calling my son but I dont know why she called my name. At last, I heard again and saw the girl's name is same as mine!!! It's so funny! My name is in the list of interview. The late chopped on my son's hand book!!! Next week, he will go to St. Paul Boy's for interview. Any accompanies? :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: |
tinatam | 2006-10-04 20:54 |
Hel, My son have joined YMCA swimming for since summer and now he know how to swim without floater and becames brave boy. Only $800 for 8 lesson , I saw some is one for two at 3-4pm Monday. And I found the teacher is experienced and concentrated to each students. Very professional!!! :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: |
tinatam | 2006-10-04 21:42 |
My son also said that no playground time....may be fixed it |
tinatam | 2006-10-04 23:01 |
My son said they will have stars if they write something to teacher. Do mental at home and send to teacer then they got a star, right? Did you do that? :-? :-? :-? |
Gordon_No_4 | 2006-10-04 23:14 |
Does anyone know if next Friday is a school holiday? I saw a 'holiday' stamped in my son's handbook? |
tinatam | 2006-10-04 23:20 |
You are right. may be checked the holiday list first. :oops: |