Re: 九龍塘Nottingham Children Campus好唔好?

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yoyobb | 2005-01-01 17:15


多謝你既回覆呀! 咁想請問NCC會唔會有直屬既nursery架? 請問你覺得NCC好嗎??

michelle1021 | 2005-01-02 00:34
playgroup 幾$?
chowbb | 2005-01-02 17:50
i want to know the location, thanks ;-) ;-)
mcheung | 2005-01-03 13:08

NCC 唔會有直屬既nursery架.
NCC is a nice & clear playgroup. My two sons also joined the playgroup & they're very enjoy the class. The teacher is a Native English Speaker & very nice
Now my elder son attend the English class & my younger son still attend the Sat playgroup.
mcheung | 2005-01-03 13:09

average fee is $250/lesson (2 hrs per lesson) that includes the snack & material cost
mcheung | 2005-01-03 13:10

No.1 Stafford Road, Kowloon Tong, Kln
(Tel : 2337 7148)

vhunghk | 2005-01-10 23:57
Dear all,

I got the course information of Nottingham. I would like to know what is the portion between the lesson of pure English and the lesson of mixing English + Cantonese. Which one is better? Thanks!
yoyobb | 2005-01-11 00:19

我想問你兩個囝囝係幾多個月先去讀NCC呀? 聽好多媽咪講bb一番學就好易病, 想問下你兩個囝囝有無咁既情形呀?
HoHoMom | 2005-01-11 09:52
I finally had time to visit the campus and I have to say I am NOT impressed. In fact, I am quite disappointed. The playground is tiny, yet crowded with old, dirty, poorly-maintained toy cars and outdoor play things.

I tried to talk to someone in order to get more info but the staff are really unhelpful. I still don't know what exactly they do in the classes. I know some of the BK moms think the classes are good, but there is no way I could find out because I wasn't offered any assistance at all. The words "Don't bother me" and "I don't care" are written all over the faces of the staff.

I think the quality of the environment and the staff (not just the teachers, but all staff) at the playgroups are very important for very young kids. For what I can see, Nottingham offers neither.

Anyway, I have decided to pass on this one. I believe there are better playgroups around for the kind of money Nottingham is charging.

bb517 | 2005-01-11 10:10
如與Anfield 及 Tutor Time Playgroup 比較,邊間好d?我女女而家返緊Tutor Time 2歲playgroup.
大家有mug comment?Thanks!
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