Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-02 15:10 |
Hi DaisyWong, Glad to know that u find the information helpful. And nowadays one can get a lot more info from the web than before. 1) per item 2 : 既然耳仔毛病可以有唔同病源,繼而有唔同治療方法,點解個醫生又唔再跟進呢? --> As I have mentioned, your audiologist should have tried to eliminate outer and middle ear problems, which doctors can handle at this stage. If it's inner ear/ nerve problems, what they can do is limited now. What 子喬 needs now is on one hand, having further age-appropriate tests to better define his hearing loss; on the other hand, putting on hearing aids to help him hear better, and to see if he needs cochlear implant in the future. The two go hand in hand. I think this answers your second Q also. 到現在為止,我仍然未知bb究竟有乜事,同埋成因 (或者個成因巳經唔再重要) --> correct, the cause is not the most important thing now, rather to work with clinicians and see how to help him. However, if u are suspecting genetic problems, u may try to ask for genetic counselling. When will 子喬 have the EMB appointment? In HK, EMB is responsible to fit one free hearing aid to a hearing impaired kid. So that will be his first appointment to start "treatment" |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-02 15:36 |
Hi bb2005hk, 三個月大時做測試(ABR),醫生說有1-2個音聽不到,曲線唔靚 --> ABR is the brainstem (sorry I don't type Chinese here, it's the lower part of the brain) response generated by activating the cochlea in the inner ear in the high-pitch region, not for low-pitch region. So it gives information on the former but not the latter. By saying "1-2個音聽不到", I GUESS he suspected high-pitch hearing loss but not low- and mid- pitches. But that needs further test to confirm. And it's true that baby's response pattern (or the doc called 曲線 in your case) does not look as clear as that of adults' until after 18 months after birth, it needs careful interpretation. So repeating ABR by 6 months may just get the same result and same conclusion. 是不是測試成人有可能會有1-2個音聽不到 --> in that case, that adult is described to have hearing loss already, although the degree of loss may be mild or severe, the pitch may be high or low. And depend on all these and other factors, may or may not affect speech perception. 為什麼要1歲再測 --> at one year old, a kid should be able to undergo behaviour testings which give clinicians more information to define his/ her hearing, and see if he/ she needs hearing aids. However, some kids can do the tests at about 6 months old, and there are some other objective tests beside ABR. But I don't know if HK hospitals are offering them at that age or not. |
Nail | 2005-04-02 16:15 |
dear Daisy, my friend recommended Dr. Cheng to u who also has a bit relationship with Suen Mei. he is her family doctor and it's he who referred her daugther to Suen Mei. u can find his whole name in Suen Mei's homepage. maybe you can try him because as I think, even he has "bias" with Suen Mei, he has many experiences in facing different children with hearing problem and as a doctor, he should show professional ethics and won't be too "hard-sell". Your family are always blessed. Best Wishes! |
稚言治語 | 2005-04-02 20:01 |
Dear Shiba-Inu, Let me translate this term (in case you didn't get it). It is 腦幹 in Chinese. Quote: Shiba-Inu 寫道: ABR is the brainstem (sorry I don't type Chinese here, it's the lower part of the brain) response |
DaisyWong | 2005-04-09 01:23 |
Hi Shiba-Inu, 多謝你的專業意見。 子喬安排咗嚟緊2星期去見兒科同EMB,希望可以盡快start個療情啦。 平時我哋會同子喬傾計同玩玩具,佢就眼仔碌碌,表情多多,好enjoy好明白咁,又唔似聽唔到無反應喎,有時我又會趁佢瞓着係佢耳邊拍手,佢有時又會成個人"澤一澤",或者係咁意郁吓手指仔。如果係咁,點解個test又話子喬聽力嚴重有事呢? 子喬媽上 ?-( ?-( ?-( |
DaisyWong | 2005-04-09 01:33 |
Hi reginang, 係呀我哋做媽媽嘅,BB有冇事都會100%錫BB呀。 你BB最近好似病咗喎(在forum read到),依家掂呀,好番未呀,依家天氣咁飄忽,記住小心d呀,保重保重。 子喬媽上 :sick: :sick: :sick: |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-15 05:42 |
Hi DaisyWong, u are welcomed. I love to work with kids last time, they are just cute and it's nice to see them progress. Kids can be really difficult to test for their hearing, and hearing impairment is sometimes termed a "hidden disability". Fortunately recent years we get advanced technologies like ABR which can detect problems earlier. The earlier we help the kids, the better will be the progress. However, ABR just gives the clinicians a gross idea of what the hearing is like, as 子喬 undergoes more testings as she grows up, her hearing status will unfold graduately. (Last time I thought 子喬 is a boy, and she's actually a cute girl?) The descriptions u mentioned are common in ALL kids, because human communication is not only through listening and talking, we still have our body languages. It's important that u still keep on talking to her right now, let her pick up as much cues as she can, but that does not necessarily mean she is picking up the speech sounds. Also, if u want to "observe" her hearing at home, u need to be very careful to take away many other cues. For example, she may just pick up the air vibration when u are clapping hands next to her. If u don't mind, tell me how she's doing in pedi/ EMB appointment next time. ;-) |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-15 05:50 |
Thanks 稚言治語, I don't type Chinese now. Long long time ago I did, but as I don't use it, I lose it :fighting1: |
稚言治語 | 2005-04-15 13:19 |
Dear Shiba-Inu, It's my pleasure. And I'm so glad that we finally have an audiologist here. I know so little about that although the degree I got from HKU is B.Sc. in Speech and Hearing Sciences. :oops: |
reginang | 2005-04-15 16:42 |
子喬媽 sorry,之前冇睇到你的留言 :oops: astha好返晒喇,不過就瘦左一個圈,食左成個幾禮拜藥呀.... :giveup: 子喬就近好嗎,最近既天氣太過騎呢,大家要好好保重呵 :-P |