cherriemama | 2005-05-24 12:46 |
父母做醫生的都唔收那位小朋友一樣係讀CCKG呀!!所以我覺得最重要都係睇小朋友表現多d,家庭背景都係其次! Quote: Mrssslui 寫道: Although they live in housing estate, but mainly b'cos the girl studied in CCKG. Quote: cherriemama 寫道: 我識幾位朋友囡囡讀女拔的都係來自普通家庭(有個住居屋添),反而有位父母做醫生的都唔收,所以我諗主要都係睇小朋友表現多d! :-D |
Krymum | 2005-05-24 12:47 |
interview 時,校長係用廣東話同小朋友傾計同問問題, 佢地用什麼標準去決定小朋友的英文水準, 佢問的問題都唔係一d學術的問題, 小朋友唔係怕羞的, 都會識答. 用什麼準則收生,真係不知道, 我想最主要都是家庭背景的問題吧. Yes, know that most girls come from famous kinders in Kowloon Tong, I think the school tends to accept girls from kinders with high English standard. |
Planet | 2005-05-24 16:57 |
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fannychoi | 2005-05-24 22:38 |
父母都係做醫生可能無時間陪個女, 由菲菲全程照料, 後天倍養不足, 不未一定Smart 的啊. 認識一對醫生夫婦, 個仔要see speech therapist . |
Msma | 2005-05-25 09:05 |
醫生都有深水步疹所定港安醫院醫生 架嗎 ! 讀cckg 無收就一定係個細路唔得?唔係窩! 好多時係父母個背境未合個學校要求詐 ! 賣菜,賣魚都唔一定係低下楷層,好多街士佬有四個舖收租,仲可供d仔女去係留學,你話幾千蚊點會無呢 ,比多四五個佢地都大有得比嘮 ? 佢地都唔一定無學識,唔一定唔識教女,唔識睇英文通告的,唔好咁睇人地! 街市都有碩士回港幫屋企守著間百年老舖,咁其實呢d人都唔叫無學識啦,不過係個工作地址同舖名比人覺得佢係著牛記笠記的街市佬詐! 咁通常呢d人的女去考小學就真係收的機會低d嘮 ! 收生當然係會睇家庭同父母背境啦,唔一定要好有錢,但有就當然好過無。 學校如兩個女仔差唔多呢,就會收個大學助教個女都唔會收舖王個女。原因唔係助教個女叻d ,係學校覺收大學助教個女會容意教d,但呢個學校都有佢的道理,但係未一定完全對嘮 ! 大埔名kinder 都可去試架,無壞嘮 ! 瑪利諾 ?首輪你夠分可試嘮 (舊生都未必得) ,抽獎就講運嘮!都係唔好問簡呢間好唔好呢,人地話點點點,個間又點點點,老實講名校好多人爭架,收左先簡啦 ! ;-) |
Planet | 2005-05-25 10:59 |
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Msma | 2005-05-25 11:10 |
Not 100% , depends how many have old sisters applying ! The one have sister studying there is 100% in. Let says : 如果old girl 加埋宗教分, 仲係首名子女 on that years have 200 persons apply, After deducting the 100% sister studing there. only have 120 seats left. then this 200 applications will also need to enter to lucky draw. By the way , if your friend are old girl ,there is no way for her to try other Govt School ... Unless a co-ed school with Daddy's 20 marks! ;-) |
麟媽媽 | 2005-05-25 11:10 |
應該sure win喇,old girl 10分、宗教 5分加埋適齡10分 - 合共25分,收晒25分先到20分抽籤,叫你朋友做定校服都得。 Quote: Planet 寫道: 如果old girl 加埋宗教分, 仲係首名子女, 係唔係sure win 哩 ? (我幫朋友問) |
Mrssslui | 2005-05-25 11:34 |
old girl 10分、宗教 5分 both marks are included or either one?? |
j-ma-ma | 2005-05-25 11:37 |
I believe the criteria are: 1. student is smart and from famous kindergarten 2. mother is an old girl of DGS 3. family of the same Christ church 4. non-working mother 5. family background |