Re: 黃仁龍為愛女報考聖士提反小一

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Thomasthetrain | 2005-10-27 13:43
My boy is in 1C.
sunny0426 | 2005-10-27 14:01
Thomasthetrain | 2005-10-27 14:17
May I know which house is your son and what kind of activities your son is attending? My son is now attending tennis class and Oboe for music instrument. He is in bull house.
Thomasthetrain | 2005-10-27 14:18

BTW, St Paul co-edu is also my first choice last year.

sunny0426 | 2005-10-27 14:52
Dear Thomasthetrain,

My son is also in bull house. He is not attending any activities organised by the school because he is quite busy. He has swimming class on Monday, English class on Tuesday, piano class on Friday and Taikwando on Sunday. He likes playing Chess, but I missed the deadline of "Chess" activity.
Tzeyanmui | 2005-10-27 16:55
Dear KKLee

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I tend to agree with your views and observations. Both St Paul and St Stephen are on the top list of my preferred schools, on the other hand both have their pros and cons. If my girl is lucky enough to be admitted by either school, I shall be really thankful.
cwspat | 2005-10-27 20:54
Dear Thomasthetrain

What is your opinion about St. Paul Boy ? Have you applied this school ?

Thomasthetrain | 2005-10-28 10:02
Dear cwspat,

I have applied St. Paul Boy in last year. I think this is a very traditional boys' school and the school building is a bit old.

The principle and teachers were not so friendly if you comparing with St. Stephen (no friendly smile) when we went to interview in last year.

Finally, my boy was accepted by both St. Paul boys and St. Stephen.
Thomasthetrain | 2005-10-28 10:06
Dear sunny0426,

I see. They are in the same house. Yes, the kids are very busy nowaday. They have a lot of after school activities. Did your boy attend the swimming gala this year ? My son complaint that I didn't attend the swimming gala with him.
sunny0426 | 2005-10-28 12:39
Dear Thomasthetrain,


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