missmoon | 2005-11-11 23:18 |
sorry~我想打的係: SC d 老師成日都俾「人」complain唔友善 Quote: chanwyf 寫道: 我都無話sc學校老師員工唔友善, 佢 |
joan121 | 2005-11-11 23:20 |
missmoon, 我囡囡係04年3月出世的, 因06年9月才2歲6個月,是否要到07年9月先有學校收(是否一定足2歲8個月至收呢?), 咁妳覺得有無需要俾佢讀幼兒班呢?(因要讀多一年). thanks!! |
kao | 2005-11-11 23:25 |
你點知政府資助果d唔會乞簿d小朋友? 我好多朋o係政府資助果d到教 一樣有黑暗面 |
monmantong | 2005-11-11 23:25 |
I don't think all private kindergartens are poor as said, and i also heard a lot of negative comments for PLK kindergartens and some non-profit kindergartens; It is too bias to say so... also, i think we have to trust our own feeling, and give more advices instead of hearing only one or two persons, especially you don't know his/her background, most of the people claim they are professional.,.. |
missmoon | 2005-11-11 23:26 |
剛畢業的亦有很多種,證書、文憑定係ce? 乜現在有政府大機構?政府冇開幼稚園?? 現在有開的是那一間?? Quote: kao 寫道: 我都有好多朋友o係政府資助果d度教 政府大機構都有 但唔見得有你講得咁好 都有請好多剛畢業出黎教 唔係淨係私立至會咁 |
missmoon | 2005-11-11 23:29 |
幼稚園一定要足2歲8個月至收~~你個case係要07年先入學。 Quote: joan121 寫道: missmoon, 我囡囡係04年3月出世的, 因06年9月才2歲6個月,是否要到07年9月先有學校收(是否一定足2歲8個月至收呢?), 咁妳覺得有無需要俾佢讀幼兒班呢?(因要讀多一年). thanks!! |
kao | 2005-11-11 23:31 |
引文:第二:,一般政府資助幼稚園老師的薪金係私立幼稚園老師薪金1.5-2倍。人工高當然可以留到好既老師,反而私立幼稚園的老師有d料同有d經驗就會轉返去d政府資助幼稚園係好正常。咁樣比較之下我諗你地都知邊d老師會好d啦~~果d佳x、啟xd老師多數都係年輕、剛畢業,冇經驗,唔信你留意下。 你都曾經試過係新入行o既老師 如果你睇到呢度野 會有咩感想 而且人工高唔等於就可以留到好既老師 一間唔好o既學校出幾多錢都唔會留到好既老師 一個好老師亦未必只會向前錢看 同樣向錢看的也未必不是好老師,因為而家生活艱難 |
kao | 2005-11-11 23:33 |
Quote: monmantong 寫道: I don't think all private kindergartens are poor as said, and i also heard a lot of negative comments for PLK kindergartens and some non-profit kindergartens; It is too bias to say so... also, i think we have to trust our own feeling, and give more advices instead of hearing only one or two persons, especially you don't know his/her background, most of the people claim they are professional.,.. Agree!!! |
kao | 2005-11-11 23:36 |
而家好多學校都未必請QKT 好多只請CE 剛畢業當然冇經驗 但至少已符合入職要求 唔似以前F.3畢業都可以入職 |
kao | 2005-11-11 23:39 |
Quote: missmoon 寫道: 我兩類型都有做過~~!! 依家緊係俾政府資助果d啦~~至少唔駛乞簿d小朋友!!! Quote: 政府資助果d即係邊間? 睇下係咪真係咁好 |