Msma | 2005-11-24 15:09 |
Julietta, don't say so la. I do agreed different schools have different requirements for admission. Cannot say fair or not fair. You want to participate in the game , got to accept that ! Oh dear, got be :chair: by the one really dislike ! Anyway don't feel upset la ! :mrgreen: |
critor | 2005-11-24 16:05 |
Julietta, Finding a right school for your girl is such an important matter that you should not jump to a conclusion too soon. As there is no limit on the number of private schools your daughter may apply, why not just give it a try? If you still need help, give me a PM. Quote: julietta 寫道: Msma, There is nobody from DGS to clarify this rumour. On the contrary, to my observation these few days, there are more and more parents came to agree / believe in this 'rumour'. Seems that it is a real fact, rather than 'rumour'. So, I know how to find the school for my daughter now. Thanks. Julietta |
julietta | 2005-11-24 16:52 |
critor & msma, thanks for the sharing. I may still give a try but I won't be too disappointed if it's failed (under this circumstances). julietta |
hkalilai | 2005-11-24 21:50 |
大家都話女拔只收達官貴人, 甘佢地(達官貴人)洗吾洗IN? 你地IN既時候有無見過呢種人? 只係好奇地問下 |
julietta | 2005-11-25 11:53 |
要int,如果唔係就更加比人鬧?而且香港有好多"達官貴人",佢都要選一d高質素既"達官貴人"架! |
st.bintai | 2005-11-25 12:56 |
Quote: julietta 寫道: 要int,如果唔係就更加比人鬧?而且香港有好多"達官貴人",佢都要選一d高質素既"達官貴人"架! 幾得意 ?-( 自己諗諗 :cheeze: Msma 瑪瑙級國民 註冊日: 70-01-01 發表數: 2257 Hong Kong Re: DBS and D GS 想讀dgjs? 請你准備每年捐下$$$$, 4-5位數呀, 敖唔想捐呢? 就或者操下d女的成績, 要係班內頭十名, 唔係上中學會戁小小!! |
Msma | 2005-11-25 13:02 |
有,呀唐財爺。。見過啦 。。。 :mrgreen: |
yukico | 2005-11-25 13:51 |
1. DGJS並沒有強制家長捐款 願意捐款與否 ---- 隨意 捐款多少 ---- 也是隨意 2. DGS現時為直資, 小學部的女孩只要操行與成績不太差, 便可以入到中學, 並不需要靠捐鉅款, 又或考頭10名; 據聞去年100%上到中學(此消息乃家長間流傳, 如有錯誤, 請指正) |
小夜曲 | 2005-11-25 14:56 |
Quote:yuiko: DGS現時為直資, 小學部的女孩只要操行與成績不太差, 便可以入到中學, 並不需要靠捐鉅款, 又或考頭10名; 據聞去年100%上到中學 以我所知, 是這樣. Quote: hkalilai 寫道: 大家都話女拔只收達官貴人, 甘佢地(達官貴人)洗吾洗IN? 你地IN既時候有無見過呢種人? 只係好奇地問下 應該見吾到喇 達官貴人 在交表時, 已有5張力的介紹信, 所以面試不用浦頭. 如果面試時, 只有媽咪和奶奶出現, 效果會仲仔... 1. 婆媳關係好好, 仲好有愛心tim, 很黎陪小朋友. 2. 果然係達官貴人, 邊有時間陪小朋友面試.... ( :-)說 笑, 請達官貴人不要怪) |
vhunghk | 2005-11-25 15:41 |
Do you know which 達官貴人's kid go to DGS? Just curious!! :lol: |