Re: BB聽力測試

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reginang | 2005-07-23 23:56
hi 子喬媽
近來無恙嗎 :wave:
loveyanpig | 2005-07-26 20:00
hihi! 各位mama, 好耐無見, 近況如何? 天氣炎熱, 請小心身體! :oops: :oops:
yanyan近來對聲音頗敏感, 令我很高興! 但昨日去打半歲針, 醫生話佢個腦筍仲好大, 埋得慢, 要密切觀察....唉.....又要擔心多樣o野...... :cry: :cry:

稚言治語 | 2005-07-27 12:21
DaisyWong 寫道:
The advice she gave us is more focus on 語言訓練 & that of EMB is on hearing. Anyway, I think both is good. Life becomes busy or 充實 to us & 子喬 (見醫生, EMB, 語言訓練).

她本身是言語治療師,又是聽覺學家,所以可以給你多些有關語言訓練的資料。你在EMB聽覺組見的同事對語言發展的認識應該不及言語治療師吧﹗That's why I recommended her!
reginang | 2005-07-27 17:40
hi yanyanma
其實每個人既生長速度都不同,就以出牙為例,有些6個月出,有些8/9個先出,我細佬4個月已經出兩隻牙 :wth:
Astha都係一樣,依家22個月,頭頂仲摸到有小小隙位,Astha一樣係咁照玩照瞓照食,相信影響不大 8-)
最緊要係bb身體健康,不用太担心 ;-)
NatalieLay | 2005-07-28 00:34

今日同囡囡去左private clinic 做 ABR testing, 結果係兩隻耳都有mild hearing loss (35分貝以下既聲音), 醫生話BB仲細,聽覺神經仲有發展空間, 要等埋政府安排既ABR testing result 再compare會較準確同先可再跟進(約9月尾,時間未定),我同老公都鬆一口氣,因為已有心理準備,並已prepare for the worst, 而且result已經比預期好,我地都寧願早啲知道,可以及早幫到bb

我想問下,clinic audiologist 話 BB仲細 (現在剛10weeks), 聽覺神經仲有發展空間,請問現在有無方法可以幫到bb既聽覺神經發展?

yanyanma and katmami,
同你地係private clinic 做測試既audiologist姓咩? 同我BB做testing既係女醫生,姓余,好靚女呀! :-)

Anyway, thanks so much and all the best.....:-P

Shiba-Inu | 2005-07-29 08:57


Firstly, it's still a "good" news that your baby has only mild hearing loss on both ears. If you scroll back to my message with the "graph of hearing" (i.e. audiogram with familiar sounds), you will see that an average of 35 dB loss does not affect everyday communication that much in most situations. However, she will find it more difficult to hear than us when there is noise, when the talker is far away or when the talker speaks softly.

Further tests in the future will review step by step whether her hearing sensitivity can be improved or not. However, for the time being, what you can do is to raise her 'alertness" to sound, esp to speech. Talk/ sing to her face-to-face, in a quiet environment. When she gets older and shows more interest in playing with you, try games/ toys that assoicate movement/ bright colours etc. with sounds. (For more examples, please scroll back and find my message previously posted for katmami)


She is an audiologist also! (me too, but I am not as pretty as her! :lol: )
NatalieLay | 2005-07-29 10:19

"She is an audiologist also! (me too, but I am not as pretty as her! )"

I am sure your heart is more beautiful than her.....thank so much. :oops:

katmami | 2005-07-29 14:40
Hi, NatalieLay,

".....同你地係private clinic 做測試既audiologist姓咩? 同我BB做testing既係女醫生,姓余,好靚女呀!"

係呀, 我相信就係幫我囡囡果位, 好好人, 好有耐性的...;-)

Hi, 各位,

我今早同囡囡去醫院覆診, 但可惜見唔倒上次我話好好人果位醫生, 只係見咗一位怯怯生生嘅女醫生..(可能係Student啩..)只係講過吓上次做ABR嘅result, 跟住睇吓耳仔, 摸吓我囡囡個腮骨, 跟住就安排半年後再去覆診....都並未安排會否再做test...有D失望, 話晒我要特登請假帶囡囡去見佢, 總期望佢會比多D訊息我:roll: .....不過好彩BK尼度有咁多媽媽報料, 我總算心裡有數....所以我想我会三個月後再帶囡囡去私家再做.... 唔知係咪差唔多呢? (yanyanma, 想問你再下一次去QM係幾時? 有冇話係做test的呢?)

請問有冇人知, 點解醫生要摸吓囡囡嘅腮骨呢?係咪有同聽覺直接嘅關係呢? :-?


我囡囡已經developed到一唔唱歌就係咀仔擘擘咁要食嘢, 冇嘢比佢食就上上下下咁"旭"個咀, 又或者狂噬個奶咀(個奶咀都差D比佢撕爛).... :wth:

katmami | 2005-07-29 14:44

大頭妹妹個頭大, 腦筍都一定慢D至埋得晒嘛, 唔洗担心ga!
(我囝囝個頭大到要醫院跟進咗一年---都係冇事la!) :-)

loveyanpig | 2005-07-30 00:20

都係余小姐幫我yanyan做test, 佢係咪好有耐性, 講解好清晰呢? :-D :-D

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