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tinatam | 2006-10-05 20:07
Take it easy, dont push her so much. Just play games and tell her it like drawing . Tell her this homeworks are for pre-primary school. And you must always say her writting is better than before. She is a big girl now, not a baby.....Let her know she is really big girl now and facing primary level.
Otherwise, she may go back to K1 and never grow up. You must tell her she is five years old girl, not a baby. Must be indepandent at school and help other little girls.
konglisali | 2006-10-05 20:39
The whole song as below :

"Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold"
"Peas porridge in the pot nine days old"
"Some like eat hot, some like eat cold"
"Some like eat in the pot nine days old"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
meiki | 2006-10-05 20:59
江小姐,坐船船去邊呀! :-)
tinatam | 2006-10-05 21:45
mekiki, call me now pls.
konglisali | 2006-10-06 00:12
:-) :-)
tinatam | 2006-10-06 00:45
Who want to go to science musium tomorrow? We want to go and play in the morning. Meet you at 10:00am TST. Wor! Dont worried above the interview, let play first!!! Enjoy the holiday!
:-P :-P :-P :pint: :pint:
tinatam | 2006-10-06 00:53
I am on Mon 3pm, he jumps two levels in summer that I dont belive. He likes swimming , may be we find one more day for swimming after school . How about Wed afternoon.
tinatam | 2006-10-06 00:55
go to bed....meiki, goodnight! :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
Anyway, ask more parent's command.
mcheung | 2006-10-06 09:17
............. :-D :-D
tsztsz | 2006-10-06 10:31
中秋節快樂 :-D :-D :-D
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