Summer | 2006-10-11 19:18 |
Well done wo! He has a good memory. :-D :-D :-D I asked my son with the same question, obviously his brain is so little as I can say. He's totally forgotten and not able to answer the question. :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: By the way, they've learnt 2 digits minus 2 digits already? ?-( Quote: PACMA 寫道: Dear 3lamma, GloriaBB, tinatam & Summer, Thanks a lot for your reply! My son suddenly remembered the question this morning. He said it should be like that : 妹妹有19棵花, 淋了10棵, 仲有幾多棵未淋? 答案係9. Hopefully he got it rigth this time. GloriaBB, My son's name is Paco. I also take him to school everyday, may be we have met already!!! :wave: :wave: |
PACMA | 2006-10-11 21:04 |
Dear tinatam, My son is in K1H, K2M & K3R. All afternoon classes. Your son is the real smart one, and I hope you'll get your good news soon from SPCC. |
PACMA | 2006-10-11 21:19 |
Quote: Summer 寫道: By the way, they've learnt 2 digits minus 2 digits already? ?-( Summer, I had the same question as you too :-?, but my son insisted that was the question he had missed, so I just believed him; otherwise, he would be very upset if I didn't trust him. By the way, I like your photo very much as it's so warm. |
GloriaBB | 2006-10-11 21:57 |
Dear PACMA, 我估到你係邊位啦,你記得嗎? 我今日仲同你傾過計:-) :-) ,女女話Paco同佢坐同一行, 坐响Monte嘅隔離。 另外Summer, 你嘅小朋友係唔係叫Chung Tsz Sum(中文唔知點打), 女女响你post嗰張相度認到佢。 女女話:咦!嗰個好似係Chung Tsz Sum喎,隔離個小妹妹係邊個呀? Quote: My son's name is Paco. I also take him to school everyday, may be we have met already!!! :wave: :wave: |
tinatam | 2006-10-11 23:46 |
Not so smart, I just talk and try to be his student. He said Mr Lai (Mandarin teacher) asked them to read some word in Mandarin for revision. Sing , Play, Eat, Drink, Sit, Stand......He learnt from K2 , no new words to read, only revision all these. But we cannot find the mandarin sys , right? |
tinatam | 2006-10-11 23:52 |
Friday is a holiday,,, May be we can go to ocean park for whole day trip. heheeh Who want to go??? :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) Take a fresh air breath and ride a cable car, visit jellyfish and dophins. |
Summer | 2006-10-12 10:15 |
I want to go, but I have to work. :-( Quote: tinatam 寫道: Friday is a holiday,,, May be we can go to ocean park for whole day trip. heheeh Who want to go??? :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) Take a fresh air breath and ride a cable car, visit jellyfish and dophins. |
YingMaMa | 2006-10-12 11:43 |
Hi 各位家長: 請怒唐突!小女今年讀K3Q,已替弟弟報考出年K1,想問有冇家長知道如家姐或哥哥現就讀KENTVILLE,是否有優先權但不一定會收的,是嗎?已致電學校查詢,只得相同答案,很想細仔亦可以入讀KENTVILLE,有冇家長情況與我相同?可否提供一些資料或經驗分享?謝謝!現在忙著準備大女出年小一入學事宜另擔心細仔明年K1入學,真的媽咪唔易做... |
mcheung | 2006-10-12 12:05 |
YingMaMa pls check pm......... ;-) |
Summer | 2006-10-12 12:09 |
GloriaBB, You have a smart daughter! Yes, my son name is 鍾子琛. The 小妹妹 next to him is actually his little brother. ;-) Quote: GloriaBB 寫道: 另外Summer, 你嘅小朋友係唔係叫Chung Tsz Sum(中文唔知點打), 女女响你post嗰張相度認到佢。 女女話:咦!嗰個好似係Chung Tsz Sum喎,隔離個小妹妹係邊個呀? |