Re: 2005九龍塘宣道幼稚園K1家長請進

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芝娃娃 | 2005-09-26 19:11
關于vv, 我到現在仍覺得她有D“lau 覺”。(女仔嘛﹐要除好多野 :lol: )

Dominicleung 寫道:
Dear all parents,
Can your kid zip the school bag properly? Can your kid go vv by themselves properly? Can your kid handle the school bag properly, put on and off the school bag without help? I am training him up at home for all these tasks. Could you share me your experience? :roll:

94075702 | 2005-09-26 23:05



ChunYinMa | 2005-09-27 11:01

番咗學3 weeks,浚彥都適應得幾好, so far so good. 粱老師都話佢比較獨立,好多事都可以跟到老師的指示做.

以前浚彥讀N1時係無工課做的,現在有, 我見佢做得好開心.做完仲問我有無其他功課做,不過一定要佢瞓醒先有心機做. 

我買了本英文大階excises book比佢學寫(玩寫字),佢好有心機寫. 現在佢可以follow the dot line去寫一啲字.仲識自己寫”A”,”H”,”B”字.

ChunYinMa | 2005-09-27 11:11

因為浚彥都係番過n1,所以很早已學懂去VV!條褲都係冇"Yau"得咁整齊, 有時啲VV到最後重會滴濕條褲.佢可以自己揹&除school bag & zip the school bag (不過有啲論 ).不過呢啲全部都係佢係n1時老師教的.

Dominicleung | 2005-09-27 14:18
Dear ChiWaWa & ChunYinMa,
Both of you should feel proud of your kids because they are so independent.
Dominic has a lot to learn from them.
Dominic pre-school was in Yip's centre who emphasis on training kids with music. It's a bit regret the skill he is working hard on supposed to have learn 1 year before.
Ms. Leung comment: Dominic is quite dependent, sometimes he is waiting for others to serve. I therefore talked seriously with my maid, stopped her from serving Dominic too much.
Ms. Leung advised me to do 2 things last week (1)buy some plastic pearl and string, play the tie up game with Dominic(2)buy colourful clay and make the shapes with Dominic, I started the suggestions last weekend and will keep on doing it, hope they can help strengthening Dominic hand muscle.

Dominicleung | 2005-09-27 14:26
Dear 94075702,
Tin Kwan is very smart, he can manage to zip the schoolbag and already do vv by himself one year before. Dominic is still working on it. Is Tin Kwan in 1A or 1B? I did hear from Dominic the name of Chun Yin but he didn't mentioned Tin Kwan. May I know the surname of Tin Kwan so I can check with Dominic?
94075702 | 2005-09-27 23:26

我個仔叫沈天軍,讀上午1B班的!所以你仔仔當然無提佢名啦!不過遲D school picnic 我地可以大家見下面! :wave:
94075702 | 2005-09-27 23:38

你個仔好叻啊!已經可以嘗試去寫英文字,天軍有時塗鴉的時候,會撞手神寫到W、T、1等,佢已經開心到要我看他的傑作!現在我覺得最難的,就是要他坐定温習,温温下就講第二樣,一喺就落地玩! :angryfire:
94075702 | 2005-09-27 23:40

好耐冇見了,賢賢好嗎?有空上嚟傾下! :wave:
VincentKenneth | 2005-09-28 13:31
Hi all 宣道幼稚園K1家長,

Want to join for discussion with you all.

My son is in K1B am class, his name is Chow Yue Wing (Vincent), I think same class with 94075702's son. As I have no Chinese writer in office, so need to write in English. So far, I feel this 幼稚園 is OK. The teacher Ms. Cheng is quite nice and friendly.

What other KIB am class parents think ?

:-) :-)
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