Re: BB聽力測試

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katmami | 2005-08-31 09:24
Hi, ABB,

我女女七個月大la, 一切安好, 現在開始學講嘢/發聲(唔知係咪我多心呢?我好似聽倒佢叫爸爸媽媽la!! :-) :-)

katmami | 2005-08-31 09:26
Hi, Kwok,

你PM你嘅e-mail address 比我吖! ;-)

MarchK | 2005-08-31 10:27

我都恭喜你呀! 你唔好太操勞呀,最緊要小心身體! BB真係好, 將會有個好媽媽照顧. :-D :-D


mdoip | 2005-08-31 14:32
Hi Shiba-Inu,

Take good care to you and your baby!!
tbo | 2005-08-31 15:15
Hi Shiba-Inu,

Congratulations to you! Take care of yourself and your little baby!

Sa Sa is 10 months now. She usually wears the h/a for 2 to 3 times a day, each time 15 mins to 30 mins. I know it is not enough, but both me and my husband have to work. The maid has to do housework too. Do you think I should quit my job and just take care of her?

Also, Sa Sa has a 3 yrs old brother, we have to spend time with him too...... My husband also said it is too hot to wear the h/a all the time. So he suggested that we should let Sa Sa's ear "rest" for a while after 15 to 30 mins of wearing the h/a. Do you think it is a practise to start?

Also, one of my friend ask me to try 針灸 with her. Do you think I should let her try it?

稚言治語 | 2005-08-31 16:00
Shiba-Inu 寫道:
I will have my baby soon :-P (Expected due date is early Oct)!

Hey, what a good news! Congratulations! May God be with you, your coming angel and the whole family! Do you want me to put this forward to your old classmates?

ABB | 2005-09-02 00:24
Dear Shiba-Inu & All,

Congratulations to Shiba-Inu! There are so many new mothers around me recently. You are the 3rd one I know who will give birth in Oct. Do you know if the baby is a boy or girl? Will you have a longer maternity leave in US (compares to HK)? Wish everything goes fine on you and your family!!

For my baby girl, we have done the OAE, IA & ABR test at Pronak. She passes all the test and proved that there should be no functional problem.

But when we told the audiologist she has no response to very loud sound. She tested her with a drum. She made loud sound on the drum behind her and watched the baby facial expression. Our baby did not sleep but looking at her father when he was holding her. Even the sound was so loud, she did not have any facial expression but just lookng at her father. The audiologist said it is kind of special but she can't tell why. So we are kind of worry there is another problem. The baby has no severe illness before..... Do you think it is related to autism since she ignores the loud sound? But she sometimes will smile at us when we are talking to her, and she concentrates when we are talking to her.

Anyway, thank you for everyone of you here for answering my doubt.
DaisyWong | 2005-09-02 00:52
Hi Shiba-Inu,

恭喜恭喜 :-D :-) :-D :-)

做乜咁神秘呀,咁遲先通知我哋班BK fans呀。

記住多d休息,多d營養,迎接bb嘅來臨。記住post d bb photos上嚟呀!

Kwok | 2005-09-02 00:55
Shiba-Inu :
首先恭喜你,祝你有個健康bb! :-D

Right: (dB) 35___20____30____60____80
Left: (dB) 28___28____25_____5____10
Freq. (Hz)250__500__1000__2000__4000

希望你看得明,她是屬哪一類弱聽 :-? ? 平時可以用什麼幫到她? 有人見意用音义來刺激下佢,可行嗎? 弱聽情況會否變差的嗎?會完全聽不到嗎? 她會否自動用左耳聽嘢,以至不用右耳嗎? 很多問題...... :adore: :adore: :adore:
DaisyWong | 2005-09-02 01:11
Hi MarchK,


子喬的弱聽情況屬於嚴重,我唔記得是否傳導性or神經性,因為嚴重,所以先可以咁早發現,有時我會諗咁早發現,未嘗不是一件好事,因為而家可以趁佢未學講嘢時一步步咁去幫佢,等到返學時先知,可能仲唔知點算。子喬用o左耳機嘅反應好好,我哋平日叫佢,佢都可以即刻聽到,但bb大得好快,耳模好快就唔啱,我哋都約緊下星期去周太做review & check耳模。

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