Mcdull | 2007-01-08 11:50 |
當媽, 想請問當仔是讀主流學校還是非主流呢? 因為我想幫仔仔轉校呀! 佢現在間學校真係好好好差呀! |
mrsphcheung | 2007-01-08 13:04 |
Dear all, My son has autism and he is often inattentive. My child psychiatrist suggests Ritalin to my son. However, as my son seems to have epilespy symptom, it is much better for him to take Strettea rather than Ritalin. Is anyone here taking Strettea? Any sharing? Thanks. |
blesshim | 2007-01-08 16:28 |
Quote: mrsphcheung 寫道: Dear all, My son has autism and he is often inattentive. My child psychiatrist suggests Ritalin to my son. However, as my son seems to have epilespy symptom, it is much better for him to take Strettea rather than Ritalin. Is anyone here taking Strettea? Any sharing? Thanks. mrsphcheung hi, are you talking Strattera? my son is taking 10mg for about 2 months. He is suffer for ADHD. We found he is a little bit improve but we are not sure if it caused by the medicine or we/school change our style or he try hard to control himself. Besides, there is no side effect up to this moment. Blesshim |
mrsphcheung | 2007-01-08 16:49 |
blesshim, My kid does not take any medicine up to now. I will visit the child psychiatrist on this Sat and ask him about the medicine. As my kid will go to P.1 in this September (he will be 7 then), I just want to let him get more well-equipped for P.1 life. Just get prepared ahead. Many people in the USA try Strattera as it can last for 24 hours and does not have the side effects like Ritalin. However,Strattera may damage the liver (just for a small number of people) and increase the risk of suicidal ideation in short-term studies in children or adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Anyone considering the use of STRATTERA in a child or adolescent must balance this risk with the clinical need. Side effect of Strattera |
blesshim | 2007-01-08 17:31 |
mrsphcheung, Yes, I also read this from the offical websites of Lilly! Honestly, we are worry about this, but what can we do, as you said, we want he can well-equipped at school (especially, he is in p.5). But we will pay close monitor to him. Do you have any statistic in USA how many people got such side effect? You may just wait and see what's the child psychiatrist's advice. God Bless! |
露絲 | 2007-01-09 00:09 |
當媽, 我冇地方可以同人講, 所以想同你講下及發洩下. :evil: 我個c6好似唔正只唔識同小朋友溝通, 唔傾計, 唔玩, 回家時都唔覺會開心到攬住d仔, 冇咩笑容. 我知佢累, 但對住自己的仔一定開心及想玩5分鐘(最少), 但他全冇, 去到自己媽咪家見到人地d仔女就又抱又笑, 有時我會覺得d仔好慘. 我以為日頭同d仔辛辛苦苦做功課及溫書, 等他回來就做獎勵大使同d仔去球場玩10分鐘足球, 點知佢一句彈'買'黎....對住d仔講 : 我好忙要做野, 第日先, 亞媽應承亞媽就帶你地去踢. 當時d仔唔開心, 不過就冇継續叫踢足球啦~~~ :-( kitchen個電水壺冇水, 我唔記得, 諗住一陣先, 個大仔用曬冇話我知, 而我發現時都差不多個c6回來, 我又要同d仔溫考試, 真係又唔知做得邊樣, (個細仔'留'計要踢足球), 又要同亞哥溫英文, 又要同細仔溫數學. :-( 我覺得我同c6的距離好大, 如果我就曬佢緊係冇問題啦~~ 但係我唔想就佢, 佢就9 5 9找d看起來微不足道既野來話我的不是. 我個人好重家庭, 對對仔係100%放曬在心, 無論功課/學校/考試/個人成長...我好緊張及關注, 我會選一些一定arm及適合既活動給他們, 因唔想曬時間. 每次親子活動(學校)一定找c6, 但他都會黑口黑面話無時間, 又話請唔到期, 又話你估我係老闆嗎?..點話實你知呀!!!! 12月時問佢2007年3月既親子營, 佢話點知及一定請唔到期, 10年來都是這樣, 最記得1次就是2年前我一定要他請期倍仔親子旅行, 結果旅行當天d仔唔開心, 個領隊問:小朋友為什麼哭呀 ? 佢就答 : 我剛剛同佢行完刑黎. 個領隊都唔禁再出聲啦... :-( 同佢講, 佢成日都話:你同我禁耐連個老公係咩人都唔知? (這說話真令我覺得自己係做錯曬d野... :angryfire: ) 到底..我都唔知我係唔係仲鍾意佢, 還是變咗係感情, 真想同佢離婚. 上次個醫生主動問我需唔需要社工, 我話唔知, 佢話今次會再問我多一次(最後). 又會有禁arm我個c6上次問我我地之間可能需要社工. 講真如果出到社工..我就一定要離婚架啦, 因大家既性格越來越唔夾, 在他來看是(就緊)我....佢話我唔知wor. 真想用100句bad word罵他. 我都唔知點好啦!? :oops: |
當媽 | 2007-01-09 12:02 |
露絲 同醫生講需要社工。 |
當媽 | 2007-01-09 20:41 |
當仔是不是讀主流學校並不重要,最重要是: 1. 轉校目的是逃避問題,還是解決問題。 2. 視乎孩子去留意願。 3. 轉新校是否保證穩穩當當,真的有改善。 Quote: Mcdull 寫道: 當媽, 想請問當仔是讀主流學校還是非主流呢? 因為我想幫仔仔轉校呀! 佢現在間學校真係好好好差呀! |
當媽 | 2007-01-09 20:45 |
Blesshim, 很欣賞你發揮互助精神,在這兒對”STRATTERA”認識的人,相信你最清楚了。 |
當媽 | 2007-01-09 22:32 |
露絲, 當仔正值考試期,固不能長話長說了。 DICKY明天見醫生,你要做以下三件事: 1.謙虛和信任地和醫生商議劑量問題。是調教劑量,還是轉藥? 2.要求社工專介(去厠所不一定要大小便,看大夫不一定要生病,見社工不一定要離婚,不要太偏激,對家庭一定要有責任。),梁生有提及過見社工,他是有誠意的,只是大家心存偏見和誤解,大家肯踏出第一步,我相信一定有轉機。 3.要求醫生寫証明信,最好是以小兒子名義寫其有ADHD,但你要想定寫紙理由,可以話兒子校方要求等…,取了回來,我再提你下一步吧! 請原諒我,直話直說,你太剛烈了,有些事有點一廂情願(一意孤行)和強人所難,冰封三日非一日之寒,大家一有衝突,心裡自然把一切新仇舊恨全搬了出來用作滾雪球。 家中各人心理一定要健康,你們正是椅腳,缺一不可,切莫輕言放棄及有毀家之念。 [size=large]如有冒犯、傷害,請多多包容! :cry: |