tinatam | 2006-10-12 23:19 |
Arrow means THIS IS A DOG, THIS IS A CAT , right? Today, they do mental test on the blackboard. Teacher write down 5+( ) = 11 ....no, 1-31, student no 19 , do the question no 19. He call this math is "Bo + Math" so interesting name My son told me it is so funny , with a lot of games and stories. http://www.sesameworkshop.org/sesamestreet/ Share with you all! Cheer ! Hope we all get our target Primary school soon. Dont forget to have a teabreak~ Ocean Park on 13 Oct 11am -6pm :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :cheeze: :cheeze: :cheeze: :cheeze: :cheeze: |
tinatam | 2006-10-12 23:23 |
My sister's son is small boy but she really want to go KV. His son only can speak words in eng. such as cake, clock, car ....mum....cannot sing. How can I help her??? Can I write a recomand letter for her? Nicholas Mum :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? |
kbmimi | 2006-10-13 08:48 |
Quote: 3lamma 寫道: KBMIMI, 我個仔畫了一隻狗, 然後有一個箭咀指著隻狗...真抽象! Quote: kbmimi 寫道: 各位k3媽咪,求救呀!我個小朋友今天的中文生字係寫「這是」,但佢話唔記得咗左頁幅圖要畫些什麼,請幫忙! :adore: 今早我同仔仔講完後,佢就話係呀係呀,我記得喇,係畫一隻狗, 然後用一個箭咀指著隻狗,真係比佢激死!佢仲問我邊個同學ge媽咪講比我知架! :-o |
YingMaMa | 2006-10-13 09:03 |
Dear Gordon_No_4: Thank you very much for sharing your experiences with me, I hope he can grant a seat on interview by next month. ;-) By this to Kwinghei: I got your p.m. and thank you as well. |
mmmami | 2006-10-13 09:30 |
Hi mcheung & Kwinghei I am in the same suitation, but my are 2 boys. Can you pm your experiences to me as well. Thanks alot. Quote: YingMaMa 寫道: Hi 各位家長: 請怒唐突!小女今年讀K3Q,已替弟弟報考出年K1,想問有冇家長知道如家姐或哥哥現就讀KENTVILLE,是否有優先權但不一定會收的,是嗎?已致電學校查詢,只得相同答案,很想細仔亦可以入讀KENTVILLE,有冇家長情況與我相同?可否提供一些資料或經驗分享?謝謝!現在忙著準備大女出年小一入學事宜另擔心細仔明年K1入學,真的媽咪唔易做... |
mcheung | 2006-10-13 09:33 |
mmmami pls check pm............ ;-) |
mmmami | 2006-10-13 09:42 |
mcheung, Got your pm, thanks. YingMaMa, Have you receive the application form yet. My date is 11/Nov. |
David媽 | 2006-10-13 11:26 |
mcheung 我都想知, 今年我細仔都要考, 唔該 pm 比我. :adore: Quote: mmmami 寫道: Hi mcheung & Kwinghei I am in the same suitation, but my are 2 boys. Can you pm your experiences to me as well. Thanks alot. Quote: YingMaMa 寫道: Hi 各位家長: 請怒唐突!小女今年讀K3Q,已替弟弟報考出年K1,想問有冇家長知道如家姐或哥哥現就讀KENTVILLE,是否有優先權但不一定會收的,是嗎?已致電學校查詢,只得相同答案,很想細仔亦可以入讀KENTVILLE,有冇家長情況與我相同?可否提供一些資料或經驗分享?謝謝!現在忙著準備大女出年小一入學事宜另擔心細仔明年K1入學,真的媽咪唔易做... :adore: |
cslam | 2006-10-13 11:26 |
各位媽咪, 琴日我見到亞仔派返o黎d默書紙,除左數學有 9/10 之外,英文只係得60,中文仲衰,得50。我有同佢溫,佢都有寫(唔係默,因為佢話唔識),咁我諗寫多幾次都好過無,點知就真係得個寫,跟本入唔到腦。 琴日見到d默書紙,問佢點解會咁,明明有溫o架,佢即刻喊,話佢個腦仔無可能記得到, |
3lamma | 2006-10-13 11:53 |
cslam, 妳是否在默書前一日才溫? 中文除了溫生字還要溫句子, 而且我在讀生字時不會讓他想太久, 否則我會讀下一個字要他打x或想到才寫, 我想這些是測驗考試之技巧, 不單只是記得點寫. 如你仔仔有d字成日錯, 便作故事配合. 而英文我就不是坐定溫的, 隨時串幾個 (行街/等車), 在週一晚及週二早上才寫在紙上. 千期不要讓孩子走入'只寫不明'的狀態, 這便是hk的問題, 太多人3歲學英文, 到大學畢業寫/講/看都不成, 要小心! 而且kv的marking好strict, 我兒子個'玩'字'元'字部份沒勾好, 便扣了5分. 加油!下次努力! Quote: cslam 寫道: 各位媽咪, 琴日我見到亞仔派返o黎d默書紙,除左數學有 9/10 之外,英文只係得60,中文仲衰,得50。我有同佢溫,佢都有寫(唔係默,因為佢話唔識),咁我諗寫多幾次都好過無,點知就真係得個寫,跟本入唔到腦。 琴日見到d默書紙,問佢點解會咁,明明有溫o架,佢即刻喊,話佢個腦仔無可能記得到, |