Re: 2005九龍塘宣道幼稚園K1家長請進

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Dominicleung | 2005-09-29 13:45
Thanks for your encouragement. Ms. Leung called me again yesterday. She asked me to give Dominic a present to encourage him cos he spoke to teacher. Although it was just a word but was an improvement which worth positive encouragement. She also mentioned that according to her observation, Dominic can catch up with what the teacher said in class and his attention is OK. The reason why he seldom speaks to teacher or expresses himself is because he wants to seek attention or play with the teacher. Any suggestion to help? One more thing mentioned by Ms. Leung, Dominic always expects or looking for someone to help in doing "heavy duty" such as zipping the schoolbag or help him vv. I have requested my maid to have him to take care of himself in day to day issue. Any other suggestion? :-?
芝娃娃 | 2005-09-29 14:46
所以琴日打電話比老師﹐問下駛唔駛跟進番上堂既野﹐老師話都唔駛既﹐不過要知道 M 既 letter sound, 她說下星期要做評估﹐其中要知道 “B” 同 “M” 既 letter name and letter sound.
Dominicleung | 2005-09-29 15:10
Dear Chiwawa,
I called on the doctor last Thur he asked me whether my URT is infected by Dominic. He said a lot of kids were infected during these months. And glad to hear that "Yin Tung" recovered so quickly. Thanks for your information, I think "Yin Tong" will easily catched up after watching the phonic VCD. :lol:
芝娃娃 | 2005-09-29 15:22
你有無其他竅門? 可否分享下?

芝娃娃 | 2005-09-29 15:33
係呀﹐VCD 有好多易明既野學﹐好容易融入學習。
Dominic 會唔會太保護自己? 所以心靈上不太想與人分享?

Dominicleung | 2005-09-29 16:23
Dear Chiwawa,
I think Dominic is quite self protected. He always try to play with other kids but I think he does not know how to comminicate with them. During the Mid-autumn festival, whole family went to Shanghai(by ourself because Dominic's father have to participate a conference there). No matter in the airport or on the plane, he always trys to play with other kids but sometimes he enthusiam will frighten others particulary the girls.
Other teacher comments, Dominic will speak a lot(mostly in English) but when teacher asked him about the study material or something serious, he will become quiet. So, Ms. Leung and other teacher's commnet, he is the kind of kid with strong character. As you know, HK education may not accept strong character student. And sometimes I :giveup: pushing him to talk to me.
芝娃娃 | 2005-09-29 18:19
經過你同工人溝通後﹐Dominic 聽唔聽工人支笛呀 :lol:
我們被迫改變對彥彤既態度同教法﹐真係好辛苦﹐到而家已經幾個月﹐開始掌握到點與她溝通....所以我好明白你心情﹐你要努力呀 :-D :-D
JuliaCheng | 2005-09-30 10:32
請問有無邊位小朋友係下午班盧老師嗰組? :mrgreen:
VincentKenneth | 2005-09-30 10:46
Hi 94075702,

Vincent is in group 2. Is that true next week teacher will have a little assessment on students ?

Dominicleung | 2005-09-30 10:58
Really :lol: to read your reply. My pressure of being a working mother has been increasing since the commencemnt of school year. Always feel puzzle about the behaviour and response of Dominic. Although I have been reminded by some book about the "trouble 3", I still cannot manage Dominic properly. I even lose patience sometimes, throw away the books, letter cards and have to go to the bedroom to calm down myself. Anyway, Dominic smiling face and sweet calling will reacharge me a bit at the depress time.
Dear all other mothers, please share with me your experience and frankly speaking, I definately find comfort and insight from your sharing.
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