Re: 2005九龍塘宣道幼稚園K1家長請進

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ChunYinMa | 2005-10-01 11:11
Dominicleung 寫道:
The reason why he seldom speaks to teacher or expresses himself is because he wants to seek attention or play with the teacher. Any suggestion to help? One more thing mentioned by Ms. Leung, Dominic always expects or looking for someone to help in doing "heavy duty" such as zipping the schoolbag or help him vv. I have requested my maid to have him to take care of himself in day to day issue. Any other suggestion? :-?

除了要 encourage him to take care of himself 外, 我想你可以鼓勵下dominic 做一點簡單的家務,好像我會叫浚彥幫手攪拌egg, 開飯拿筷子, 用vacuum等,幫手照顧細佬咁.等佢覺得自己大個仔,好多嘢可以自己做. 如佢真係未做到,就教佢做, 同佢一起做,

有時同小朋友相處唔一定只係同佢睇書,學習的,我想佢地比較緟意同你玩, 可以試下同佢玩車仔時加多點想像嘢,同佢一起塗鴉又可以天馬行空一番.

我自己係housewife, 一日都對住佢,我老公就同你地一樣放工返來就好緊張個仔讀書啲嘢,剩係想教佢多啲嘢, 有時個仔會好開心, 有時就唔鍾意聴daddy講,佢唔聴時我都會叫老公同佢玩下先. 
Dominicleung | 2005-10-03 11:03
Thanks VincentKenneth mum,
As what you said, I usually back home at 8:00pm. After dinner, I started go through the bluebook and see whether there are homework. Then have him finished the colouring, matching with lines(recent homework). I don't know why he always not interested in doing the homework. He likes Playtime Phonics, no matter reading the book or watching VCD. He always asks for it. I found that he likes reading words, no matter on the book or even on the restaurant menu but dislikes drawing. I am not sure whether it is because his hand muslce not yet well developed. Any good suggestion? :giveup:
bbmummmy | 2005-10-03 11:19

Thanks for your information, is the interview difficult?

Dominicleung | 2005-10-03 11:27
Hi ChunYinMa,
I did ask him to bring the fruit plate to maid after sharing fruit with him every night. I think I will try more as sugggested, such as asking him to take chopsticks, helping in other housework.
Exactly as what you said about your husband, I worried a lot about Dominic's progress and tried to teach him a bit more. Maybe becase of the unforgetable experience. I always try to teach Dominic a bit more so that he will not be the worst in class.
The very bad experience was, around mid Jan this year, I brought Dominic to attend an interview at one quite famous kinder in Kowloon side, the school is quite famous because she has Primary & Seconday school links. We were brought to a room with four tables, on the tables there were toys for kids to play with.Then, the teacher started approaching the table, talked to the kids one by one. I remember the tone of the teacher is not that nice and the questions were sometimes quite picky. Like, "How do you get here?" "Why were the toy car broken?" As Dominic did not answer her first question"What's your name?" The teacher stopped talking to Dominic, turned her face to me and said,"Your child did not reply my question."(Quite unfriendly way). Then the other teacher said to me"You can bring your child leave now."
:-( At that moment, I started thinking of, what do the kinder teacher expected from the kid with only 2 years old? So, when Dominic did not reply to Alliance teacher at the interview. My phoebia started again, but luckily, the teacher started the conversation again by asking him who is in the picture?(Dominic picture in the application form). They then started the conversation and Dominic was accepted. :lol:
Dominicleung | 2005-10-03 11:30
Hi bbmummmy,
From my experience, the teachers are quite friendly and easily apprached. :-D
芝娃娃 | 2005-10-03 13:13
I agree with Dominicleung.

Dominicleung 寫道:
Hi bbmummmy,
From my experience, the teachers are quite friendly and easily apprached. :-D

Dominicleung | 2005-10-03 14:14
Hi ChunYinMa and other mum,
I will go for the school picnic next Wed, Oct 13. Dominic's father cannot go with me and I'm a bit nervious about it. Who will join as well?Any suggestion for food to bring? :-?
芝娃娃 | 2005-10-03 16:49



芝娃娃 | 2005-10-03 17:07
好羨慕你可以去﹐我有野做唔去得 :-(
Dominicleung | 2005-10-03 18:57
Hi Chiwawa,
I think the school will have a lot of activities, so you will have a lot of chance to join.
My preliminary thought is,
1)bring macroni(with luncheon meat, corn and carrot). Soup will be separated from macroni(Dominic don't like sandwiches)
2)Yogurt + cheese + banana
I will bring some jelly as well.
Any other suggestion? :-?
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