scarlettes | 2004-10-05 13:45 |
你啲等等啦,等我囡囡都入到既話,就可以証明到女拔唔一定係睇背景既,我囡囡月中面試. :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: |
LUCKYMAMA | 2004-10-05 13:53 |
本人認為大家無需要太介懷"入女拔是否要睇家底"。年代唔同,準則一定有變。我相信大家都心裏有數,名校一定會有某%是留給有關係的自己人,某%是留給無關係的外人,兩者之間的比重,不外乎當年學校環境之需求和校長之discretion,無一定律。這是當然的遊戲規則。 最重要是盡力而為,毋須強求。祝大家好運 (Me too)!! |
JJ1122 | 2004-10-05 14:00 |
scarlettes, 我頭先都想咁講, 但係怕比人叫我早d番去發夢. 我10月11號interview拿. Quote: scarlettes 寫道: 你啲等等啦,等我囡囡都入到既話,就可以証明到女拔唔一定係睇背景既,我囡囡月中面試. :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: |
EdT | 2004-10-05 14:04 |
其實若說絕對不看背景,會不會有人相信呢?我想收取了必會收的學生後若有餘額,是會公平競爭,收取表現好的考生的。 以前尚有Maryknoll, St Mary等供各達官貴人選擇,加上高官多是英國人,DGJS收取平民學生會比現在多。現在其他名校給大抽獎平民化,唯DGJS一枝獨秀......高官名人都爭送女兒往DGJS。 :-o |
Sindy | 2004-10-05 14:05 |
JJ1122,scarlettes, 祝你地兩個囡囡都掂呀,希望你地 |
JJ1122 | 2004-10-05 14:18 |
Sindy, 入到請件餅你食啦. 太豪唔得架..要儲學費呀. 請問有冇人知女拔收, 比唔比攪珠呢? 最理想呢就女拔收左, 然後攪珠入到St. Mary... 咁我就退番女拔個位出黎啦.. 呵呵呵. 有人同我講話, 個校長會先睇小朋友樣先架...即係要match佢地既style..睇佢地個web d 女仔又真係好陽光, 好有自信樣.. 再望下個女...唉算啦, 當去見識下大既學校係咩環境囉. 跟住又會望下父母既樣...我呢就諗住著到LV人咁, 叫老公就扮Gucci 超人(講笑)... 算啦, 隨緣啦, 入到又開心, 入唔到都實有書讀格. 佢生性就開心啦. |
Paris | 2004-10-05 14:19 |
quote] zita 寫道: 其實家長係做乜職業你地又點知呢?人地都末必講你知啦!據我所知,我妹個女架校車有兩個同學住在居屋的,其他的也只是住在一些大型屋苑,冇乜特別。其實每間學校都有有錢人,咁有錢又不是有罪,人哋啲仔女都要讀書架。更何況真正有錢佬都送啲仔女去国際學校啦,都不同你地玩呢個遊戲。 有錢佬唔係一定會去唸國際學校, 讀國際學校 唔一定要好有錢, 好多中產都負擔到, 好多有錢人都鍾意讀傳 |
Sindy | 2004-10-05 14:20 |
JJ1122, 好想食到你件餅呀,我個女唔得,咁都叫有d著數呀 |
mrsho | 2004-10-05 14:44 |
The daughter of my autie entered P.1 this year. Her interview was very short, as below: Interviewer = I Applicant = A After asking ordinary question, then here comes the most important part. I: What kind of musical instrument can you play? A: Piano. I got grade 5. I: We don't count piano because we suppose all the applicants can play piano. For us, piano is an instrument that applicants MUST know how to play. I: Then do you know anything else? A: No, I don't. When the Interviewer just wanted to stop the interview, the applicants suddenly said "Yes, I know how to play table tennis." I: How good can you play? A: I got the 1st price during 2 years. (Her parents went to Shenzhen with her every Sat. to learn table tennis since she was 3. They trained her since they know the sport is also a very important point to enter this school) Guess what? I: OK, you are in. Our school only want to get the best of the best. There was another girl who got 3rd price. I was thinking to let her in but now since you got the 1st so I will get you. P.S. Her family has moved back from U.K. 3 years ago. Father is working as a manager grade. Mother didn't work since she spend all her time to train up her son and daughter. Since her daughter has sucessfully entered so she started to look for a job. Her mother was also working as a manager before. |
cher_mummy | 2004-10-05 14:56 |
你個妹個女讀幾年班? 以前收生同唔同而家?! 以前係唔係直資/私校??? :pint: |