Re: BB聽力測試

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DaisyWong | 2005-04-16 00:28
Hi Shiba-Inu,


子喬啱啱見完兒科醫生,下星期約咗去EMB,醫生話到時EMB會再做聽力測驗,繼而安排治療方法(eg. suggest帶耳機)。雖然個兒科醫生無乜實質嘢做到,但佢都好好咁解答我哋嘅疑問,因為我哋始終好懷疑子喬聽力嘅情度。

另外想問除咗EMB,如果想揾私人再做listening tests再reconfirm,有冇渠道?同埋有冇咁嘅需要呢?


:wave: :wave: :wave:
DaisyWong | 2005-04-16 00:41
Hi Reginang,

你BB好番就好啦,你都要小心身體呀,keep in touch呀!


:-o :-o :-o
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-16 03:18
Hi Daisy,

Good that u found a reliable pediatrian to talk to. Counceling is really a very important part of a clinical visit!

DaisyWong 寫道:
另外想問除咗EMB,如果想揾私人再做listening tests再reconfirm,有冇渠道?同埋有冇咁嘅需要呢?

It depends on how comfortable u and your family working together with EMB (and the hospital, when will it see 子喬 again? ) There is one thing that's always true (and universal): the gov't service will be there, but it will never give u the best u expected. :adore:

If 子喬 is having her EMB appt next week, maybe u want to go there and decide afterwards... I can pm u some info on private HK audiologists if needed by then.
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-16 03:30
Hi 稚言治語,

Nice to meet u here too, I guess we have met in some occasions or the others while I was studying/ working in HK.

Audiologists usually just pop up when parents notice really obvious hearing or ear problems. For others, there maybe no such problem (90% of the time, so parents don't know much about us), the problems maybe just mild, or the worst case "hidden". :roll:
Nail | 2005-04-17 10:03
hi daisy,
glad to know that the situation seems become smoother now :-D , i agree with shiba-inu that the government will provide service for the need but not the best one (in all fields). u always have the right to choose & ask, we always support u. best wishes for "chi kiu" (sorry that my chinese input is "short" & only english can be typed)

DaisyWong | 2005-04-21 00:38
Hi BK mama,

子喬昨天去了特殊教育中心做了聽力測驗,有了一個較確實的結論(比之前ABR Test),因之前ABR的Result 是 "not better than loss hearing", 所以我夫婦倆人很擔心,現在聽力師經過Test 以後, 有下列結果及安排:

1)很大程度是神經性問題 (即耳蝸或以後);
3)要配帶助聽器,以及要参加語言治療訓練和keep check 進度,如進度良好,有例子是入小學前可正常聽講,反之有可能要植入人工耳機(蝸)
4)ENT 及兒科跟進,轉介讀學師跟進語言訓練。



PS. 有DD問題希望可以請教:

to Shiba-Inu:其實此類神經性問題是否常見,以及嚴重性會有多大,有否此類資料可提供參考?又:人工耳蝸手術費用若干?

to 稚言治語 :語言訓練有關資料可否提供?家長在屋企可以做些什麽協助?

to Nail : 請問你朋友的女兒之前/現在有否要帶助聽器?

reginang | 2005-04-21 00:45
那現在你們終於有幅比較清楚的圖像,對未來的路可一步步安排,希望子喬會得到適當的治療,繼續努力 ;-)
DaisyWong | 2005-04-21 00:58
hi reginang,




:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-21 09:51
Hi 子喬媽媽,

So glad to hear that 子喬 got a good start at EMB! :-D


神經性失聰 = sensorineural hearing loss I mentioned in previous message. Its incidence rate at birth is about 2-3 in 10000 newborns in developed countries. Although it's not common in newborns, it's a very common (and easily overlooking) problem in the elderly. It's a permanent problem and no medical "cure" for the time being.

嚴重性會有多大 - do u refer to its relationship to baby's health in general? Or other aspects? For the former, if the hearing loss is not a sudden one (ie. hearing first, then lose it), and u and your doctors do not have other suspicions (e.g. tumour, trauma etc...reasons not common in babies;-) ) , the medical problem should only be that of the hearing system.
For other aspects, if babies are not detected and intervented properly in an early age (before 3 the max), their educational, social, emotional development will all be affected.

That's why I said 子喬 has a good start: she was detected early, intervented early and gets supportive parents!


US$ 3 to 40000 as done in HK (including the surgery, device and rehab). Three public hospitals in HK get funding to do it, so parents just need to pay for a small portion.


讀學師 :-? Do u mean inspectors (督學) in EMB? ;-)
Shiba-Inu | 2005-04-21 10:05
子喬 is growing bigger and prettier, lots of hair. I will not mistaken "her" as "him" anymore! ;-) ;-) ;-)
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