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voasia | 2005-09-16 16:34
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AvaBB | 2005-09-16 17:19
Dear Voasia,

Thank you!

CYCmama | 2005-09-17 00:16
Glad to know you all. My daughter joins CKY P.1 class this year as well. Her case is just the other way round. Her spoken English is quite good, I have to say. Thus, she enjoys the 'show and tell' session very much. She is a bit timid at times but this time, she voluntees to be the first one to present in her session.

Unfortunately, there is no perfection. Her interest towards Chinese is lower. Hence, these days, I tend to encourage her to read more Chinese books instead. You know, studying in CKY gives them a lot of exposure to English but comparatively, the chance of reading/writing Chinese is lesser. Her mandarin is so so. Since she knows that it is not her strength, she is not too willing to speak up in PTH class. :oops: (Hence, Vosasia, would you mind sharing your sound track with me through pm? Many thanks in advance.)

For those who are interested in CKY, as far as I can recall regarding the marking system, your kid can gain extra marks if he/she is studying in a PLK kindergarten or having siblings studying in CKY or has record of attending extra-curricular activities (the no. of activities is however not a concern). All in all, I reckon the performance during interview is of greater importance. The 1st interview lasts for one and half hour. Kids have to go to five classrooms playing different kinds of games to test out their ability on English, Chinese, Maths, Music and Art (?) According to my daughter, they have to play 'teacher says' which is similar to 'Simon says'... Though School said that kids can answer the questions in Cantonese, I have feeling that their English competence is critical. Parents only need to 'participate' if kids can enter into second round of interview. Hope all these can help.
PakWingMa | 2005-09-17 11:45
Hi, Voasia,

收到你的PM. Thank you!

我的兒子參加了棒球和創意繪畫, 你參加了什麼課外活動?


voasia | 2005-09-17 11:45
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voasia | 2005-09-17 11:52
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ningman | 2005-09-17 11:52
Thank for your information.
elizatyy | 2005-09-17 13:18
is the school located 在鑽石山 ?
voasia | 2005-09-17 19:25
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catklll | 2005-09-18 20:58
請pm網址給我, 我的女兒是1e 郭希雯, 謝謝!
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