Re: 黃仁龍為愛女報考聖士提反小一

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SHANBUSH | 2005-10-28 12:59
how much?
xiaomama 寫道:
我鄰居說,她朋友有三個仔女,頭兩個讀St. Stephen,最後一個讀HKUGA,因為學費太貴,負擔不起!

CD | 2005-10-28 13:05
上次囝囝interview St.Paul Boy, 見到個校表真係非常nice, 笑容滿臉, 係吾係對interview o既小朋友同自己學生會吾同? Quote:
Thomasthetrain 寫道:
Dear cwspat,

I have applied St. Paul Boy in last year. I think this is a very traditional boys' school and the school building is a bit old.

The principle and teachers were not so friendly if you comparing with St. Stephen (no friendly smile) when we went to interview in last year.

Finally, my boy was accepted by both St. Paul boys and St. Stephen.

Thomasthetrain | 2005-10-28 15:24

My son is now studying in St. Stephen. I didnt choose St. Paul Boys for him.

Thomasthetrain | 2005-10-28 15:26
Around HK$7000.00 per month for school fee, school bus and lunch for one kid.
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