bowling68 | 2005-11-01 16:39 |
yes, my boss (Female Singaporean living in mid level). her daugther from CCKG also been entered DGS 3 years ago. if you said no 人事關係, I have nothing to say. And I think if you girls got some award / certificate are also very important. Anyway, good luck for those coming for interview. |
heilokmama | 2005-11-01 17:08 |
Quote: ton 寫道: Yes, there are also failures in these 'famous schools' too. My friend's son who is in SPCC started having tuition 5 days a week since P1.(This friend is quite wealthy,tai tai type) Now in F2 and has failed maths for 2 years.She is upset cos the boy is always doing icq instead of studying, Also another friend's 2 daughters gave DGS a miss (cos they didnt want to join in the mad competition:mother's words) went to govt aided schools Both daughters got into Cambridge U to study medicine.Many paths to sucess. agree ah. we tend to use some average figures to judge which school is good/bad, say average # of As in Cert, average # of gold medals in sports competition...etc. This is actually quite meaningless. Average # is used just because there're always good and bad students in a school. These schools have 10A students every year, but they also hv students who can't get 14 points. school education is only part of child's growth. 各位父母, 革命尚未成功, 同志仍須努力! |
ton | 2005-11-01 17:19 |
in the end, whichever school you go to, hard work and discipline is the only way. My collegue's 3 children, 2 in CIS 1 in SIS says they also have dictation, chinese and english ,still go to kumon to drill maths, still have to study and memorise before major exams .In the end it will be up to the child to work hard.We can't study for them. |
sadsam | 2005-11-01 17:21 |
Yes, 我都just in 完, 只問2條問題(我個女話返俾我聽的). 8-) Same as .... 問佢叫乜名and睇圖書 但另一個就問左4條,仲搭住 shoulder 出來tim, 唔知咁會唔會機會大d呢?! 有冇人知道以前d人考過又搭住出黎係咪多數都收?!?! Quote: 晴晴晴 寫道: 我朋友囡囡昨天in完.佢囡囡話只是問佢叫乜名and睇圖書.但睇完圖書連問題都冇問就走得. |
mabelku | 2005-11-01 17:28 |
I think if not from CCKG is differcult to enter DGJS as my hursburn just got information from his colleagus. His daughter last year accepted by DGJS and her daughter is from CCKG also. So, I think my daughter no chance as she is from Kentville and now study in Phoneix and she is not very smart also. interview on 3 nov |
晴晴晴 | 2005-11-01 19:53 |
Quote: sadsam 寫道: Yes, 我都just in 完, 只問2條問題(我個女話返俾我聽的). 8-) Same as .... 問佢叫乜名and睇圖書 但另一個就問左4條,仲搭住 shoulder 出來tim, 唔知咁會唔會機會大d呢?! 有冇人知道以前d人考過又搭住出黎係咪多數都收?!?! Quote: 晴晴晴 寫道: 我朋友囡囡昨天in完.佢囡囡話只是問佢叫乜名and睇圖書.但睇完圖書連問題都冇問就走得. 個果好似好大機會喎,真係恭喜佢:-D :-D |
al6336 | 2005-11-01 21:42 |
今天,我們一家有幸到這傳 |
晴晴晴 | 2005-11-01 22:39 |
Quote: al6336 寫道: 今天,我們一家有幸到這傳 |
sadsam | 2005-11-02 10:10 |
最初一去到都有呢個感覺, 但入到去又不是太大這種感覺. :oops: 閘門阿嬸 : 冇留意佢wor! 閘門阿伯 : no feeling, 佢木口木面! 上到去登記: 佢都好nice,仲同我講話佢個女都起呢度讀書, 仲畢業左tim. 最好當然 : 係引領我們到校長室的阿叔,你地又知佢叫德哥? 我就唔知lu.起門口等的時候,那位阿叔都有坐起校長室門口,有d學生走來叫佢help開腸仔膠袋佢都好樂意開俾佢地嫁,d學生都好有禮貌,有說 ”唔該佢 ”. 致於校長 : 我又唔覺佢d眼神好差, 可以接受, 冇唔舒服感覺. 比起九龍塘一d幼稚園老師好得多; 我試過 in 幼稚園時, 果d老師眼神, 真係看你由頭望到腳, 成幾秒鐘.... 雖然機會唔大, 但都總算見識過... :cry: |
Msma | 2005-11-02 10:12 |
我唔覺呢間學校d員工唔好亞 。各安其份,有禮貌,ok 窩 ! |