Re: 小女拔面試今日18/11完結喇

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hkalilai | 2005-11-25 20:34
除佐非常出名既名人(如: 唐財爺, 前特首個孫,...),
大家IN既時候有無見過D一睇就感覺係好有$$$既人 (但吾係名人, 吾知叫俾名) ??? 打扮如何?
momfromhkg | 2007-01-14 21:45
Dear critor,
Do you have any tips about application to Primary 1 for girl, into the good schools? Cos of the private and govt.
:)would appreciate your advice.
critor | 2007-01-15 10:50

My strategy is simple: Put the fishing net into the sea, and then compare my catch.

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