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szesze1078 | 2006-09-28 11:03

You can consider Renaissance College, where my 2 sons are now studying in the primary section. From
my observation during these few weeks and after
attending several information days, parent meeting/
evening, I have a feeling that the teaching team of
this new school does have a 'heart' to establish a
good educational enviromemnt for our kids. Though
this is the 1st year of the school, may be there are
still lots of area to improve, yet I believe that we have made the correct choice for the kids.
Pls go to the school official website: www.renaissance.edu.hk to have more understanding of RCHK.
kamandaddy | 2006-09-28 11:46
其實很久以前也考慮過這學校, 只不過對囡囡來說每天到馬鞍山上學實在太遠太費神了. 不過也很感謝你的建議!
RJSM | 2006-09-28 14:48
Dear Kamandaddy,

You may try the new ESF school to be opened at Discovery Bay. DB is supposed to be modelled on Renaissance, using IB curriculum and with proper Chinese. DB is new, so the chances of admission might be better.

Regarding your concern about distance, I know of a student who has to travel from Chinese U to Stanley everyday. Despite the long hours in transport, he thinks the happy and fruitful school life is worth every minute of his travel.

At this moment, do not limit your choices. Just explore as many options as possible.

kamandaddy | 2006-09-28 15:42
你的說法我也很同意, 而到愉景灣的交通也很方便, 會讓囡囡考慮一下.
但其實在市區(香港和九龍)是否已經沒有一些較有質素但又不一定要'過五關斬六將'才能夠入讀的學校? 選學校是一件非常難的事, 當初選讀耀中囡囡也經過半年的考慮才決定, 結果又讀得不開心, 真令我很頭痛啊......!
WYmom | 2006-09-28 15:48
kamandaddy 寫道:
你的說法我也很同意, 而到愉景灣的交通也很方便, 會讓囡囡考慮一下.
但其實在市區(香港和九龍)是否已經沒有一些較有質素但又不一定要'過五關斬六將'才能夠入讀的學校? 選學校是一件非常難的事, 當初選讀耀中囡囡也經過半年的考慮才決定, 結果又讀得不開心, 真令我很頭痛啊......!

I want such school too! If the school is good, then many people will apply, competition will be fierce!

The ESF DB new private school is in fact continuation of the old ESF Bauhinia School. Their secondary session will have year 7 only housing temporarily in Renaissance College in 2007, and the new campus will be completed only by 2008. Many kids from Discovery Bay International School have prepared to apply.

There is another school - Independent School Foundation (ISF) on HK side which is getting more popular, may be you can take a look, its school fee is also expensive like YC, $100K per year.
kamandaddy | 2006-09-28 21:54
可惜ISFA明年只有yr.8, 囡囡明年升讀yr.10了, 沒理由要降班嘛 :roll:
兩難局面, 又無從入手了......
Kareese | 2006-09-29 20:24
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kamandaddy | 2006-09-30 21:08
謝謝你, 只要交通不太麻煩的話我和囡囡都會考慮, 如果有校巴的話就當然更好!
Kareese | 2006-09-30 22:47
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kamandaddy | 2006-10-03 15:50
謝謝, 會打去查詢
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